1|The Theft

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June 12, 2019
7.20 pm


I've been running for a while now. I haven't gotten a good look at who's been chasing me, but I think I'm being chased by two or so people. I'm not sure.

I glance behind me quickly and immediately regret it. It was a quick glance but that's all it took to scare the living hell out of me. Why? Because 1) they are alot closer than I realized and 2) holy fuck one is tall as hell and the other, although short, looks really scary.

I run faster. Faster than I ever have in my entire life. I run around a building. It was one of the 6 buildings that were attempted to be burnt to the ground. Some did, others stopped half way.

I quickly turn into an alley. You know, like your stereotypical trash littered, cat-chase-rat alley way. I slump down onto the ground, near to where I came in, trying to catch my breath.

I thought I had lost them when I suddenly feel someone, no, two people grab me. One for each arm. I look at them and- oh dear god it's the people chasing me. Fuck my life for I have been caught.

"Dear god... we finally.. caught him." The shorter guy managed to get the words out in between heavy breaths. "My god I'm tired."

"It wasn't that bad," the taller countered, "I think you just need more exercise, hyung."

"Oh Sehun, test my patience and I will hit you." The other said raising his hand.

"Ok ok, sorry." Sehun, I believe, responded, flinching away as if by instinct. "Just call Xiumin hyung to bring the car around so we can register this guy into the Watch Room."

Who is Xiumin? And the watch room? What the fuck and where the fuck is that? Should I be scared? Probably.

It took only five or so minutes for a black van to pull up next to the alley way. I'm scared and I don't know what to do. Should I book it? Sure. Let's try on three. One, two, three-

And then I was shoved into the van.

Great. I am: doomed.

I was shoved into a seat in the back and had my hands cuffed to rods attaching the head rest to the seat. It was quite a predicament I have found myself in and it took all my willpower to refrain from making a dirty joke. Instead, I asked a question.

"So, uhh... Where are we going?" I asked the two very intimidating men with a shaky.

"Prison." Sehun said with a smirk and I raised an eyebrow questioningly.

The other man scoffed and rolled his eyes. "No, we're going to the Watch Room. It's where people who've done some real bad shit go."

"Ok, but why me? I only robbed a bank."

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