The Fuck Up

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The Fuck Happened Elroy! You had one fucking Job! ONE! 🤯Sorry King LaChata. Ain't no mother Fucking sorry! 🤦🏾‍♂️Do you know how much money was lost because of your insignificant ass? Like quarter of a mil. Y'all hear this low down dirty bitch? A quarter of a mil? A quarter of a mil!? I ought to take this screw driver to yo eyeballs 👀 and pluck one by one. I can't though because your mother depends on me to take care of yo sorry ass and we attend the same church. Do you know there are four to five main structures we were supposed to hit all at once? Did you not hear the plan? That's worth over 5million dollars 💵 . King LaChata walks around Elroy and sits in his high throne that sat center of the trap house. You could hear bitches in the back of the trap house getting fucked hard and the moans sounded that of music to the gang and LaChata ears. You Fucked up. King LaChata looks around and points for three gang members to take Elroy to the worst part of the trap house 🏠 . He called punished island. Where he sent all the fuck ups he didn't want to kill. This part of the trap house consists of fucked up fantasies that other gang members come up with. It contained three different rooms that contained fucked up situations. Room 1 torture in the worst way. Room 2 Rape. Room 3... lets just say if the gang members chose to put you there it's bye bye for at least the rest of the year. The three gang members Tito, Craine, and Misure. They all walked Elroy to the back. Craine laughing out loud... Yooo! Elroy the way you tripped and fell then turned around and almost got caught by police... Boy! I liked then died. Misure chimes in. Yo, then you gone say in the police face I was about to rob this Minnie bank. Boy! Yous a sucka I ought to take yo eyes for the boss but I don't know how he'd take it. Tito with his gay ass just sucks his teeth and says. Nah we ought to throw his ass behind door number 2 and let me have some fun with his ass... Literally and he licks his lips and laughs. Craine and Misure looks at one another in disgust. Then they thought about it some more. That doesn't sound like a bad idea. Elroy face begins to look queasy. Then Elroy goes. Pl-Plea-Please don't put me in door 2 with him. I'll take door 3, but don't put me in there with this mother fucker. Craine and Misure looked at each other again, but this time with excitement. Because now they know that being in a room with Tito to Elroy is the worst they could do. Craine begins to talk. Know what Tito when we get to the other side... Elroy is all yours. Elroy screams... YOU MOTHER FUCKERS! You can't do this! We will Craine said. Technically already did Misure replies. Tito with the biggest boner and smile on his face. I can't wait to hear the screams... Don't worry baby it'll turn into pleasure before you know it. Phew good thing I also keep some Vaseline in my spare pocket, because boy this dick would've ripped you good I'm telling you I like to keep it gentle on newbies. Elroy heart racing as they get closer and closer to the door. He panics and tries to run. Tito grabs him by the arm. Elroy kicks him in the stomach. Oh you then fucked up now bitch! Craine grabs him and tries to throw him into the room by force and Elroy throws his head back and head butted Craine right in the nose. FUCK! My NOSE Bleeding🩸! Craine yells. Misure the strongest grabs Elroys Arm and says try me bitch. Elroy swings at him with his other arm. Misure catches it and head butts Elroy in the head. Tito gets up and says I like em rough while holding his stomach. I'm gonna tie his ass down and fuck the shit out of him. Craine and Misure look at each other again with disgust. They head back down the hallway and already can hear the screams of horror coming from Elroys mouth.

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