Chapter eight: Doctor, Doctor

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May 11th, 1969 Sylvia's POV; author: @jojolennon

When Keith had come to get John, he hadn't said what was going on.

So I had sat in my house for and hour and a half waiting to hear from them again.

I was nervously sitting on my couch when the phone rang.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Hey luv, it's Cyn." John's voice said.

He blood drain from my face. "What happened?"

"Well, uh, Roger.... just get down here." He said.

"What?! Where are you?"

"The hospital, we'll explain when you get here."

"Oh god." And I hung up.

I rushed out the door.

I ran through the hospital door and up to the room where my sister was.

When I burst through the door, Keith, John And Pete were already there.

"Wha- What happened?" I asked breathlessly.

I looked at my sister laying on the hospital bed, covered in bruises and began to cry.

"Is- is she ok?"

"She's going to be fine." Keith said. "But she'll be bruised for a while."

"What the hell did he do to her?"

"Well," Keith started. "I had just dropped her off at home, and Roger caught us kissing. So he starts attacking Cyn, and as much as I didn't want to leave her, I did for her own safety. I knew I couldn't take Roger alone, so I went and got John and Pete."

"When Keith came to get us," John said. "We were very confused. He took us to Rogers house, and we heard Cyn screaming from inside. Then.... um.."

"Then!" Pete steps in. "Then, John kicks the fucking door down! And him and Keith run in to get Cyn. But we we get in, Cyn is unconscious, and Roger is kicking the shit out of her."

"So while me and Pete are grabbing Roger and pulling him away from her, Keith picks up Cyn, and locks them in Roger's bedroom. Then when we were sure that he couldn't get in, Pete and I went to get the police." John finished.

"But when I was driving her here, she passed out, and she has been asleep since." Keith stared sadly.

John looked at Keith with admiration. "And he hasn't left her side the entire time."

I walked over to Keith and hugged him gratefully.

"Keith," I sniffed. "What would any of us do with out you?"

He smiled. "Die o'course!"

We all chuckled.

It took Cynthia two hours to fully wake up, and when she did, Keith, who was already sitting beside her, nearly fell over.

"Oh! Cyn! You're awake! Thank God!" He screamed and started planting small kisses all over her face.

"Ah- uh- Keith- wai- Keith hold-" Cynthia tried to speak.

I laughed and pulled Keith away from my sister.

"Cyn, I'm so glad you're okay. I can't believe Roger would do such a thing!"

Cyn looked down. "Me either. He seemed so caring, and he didn't falter on his lying. I can't believe I even fell for his lies."

I shook my head. John has said something about the police.

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