Chapter seven: Cry If You Want (part two)

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May 10th 1969; Cynthia's POV Author: @forgetful_joke

I woke up the next morning to an empty bed.

I rubbed my eyes and stumbled into the kitchen to make myself breakfast when I saw Roger pouring two cups of coffee.

My face warmed as all emotion rushed back from the night before.

"Ah g' morning love." He said, turning around to face me. "Would you like some coffee?"

I nodded and sat down at the table. I knew if I spoke, my voice would break, revealing my what I was feeling.

He walked over and sat the coffee in front of me.

"I'm going to have to help Pete today with vocals."

He was really making it difficult for me to keep my emotions in control.

I cleared my throat. "Um, that's fine, I was going to Sylvia's this morning anyway."

"Hey, tell Sylvia everything is gonna be alright for me, ok?" He started rubbing my back, sending shivers down my spine.

I stood up and walked into the bedroom to get ready to leave.

I heard his footsteps enter the doorway, and I turned around to face away from it.

"Alright Cynthia, well, I'm heading out, Love you!"

"Goodbye Roger," I responded.

He stood there in the doorway for a bit before finally leaving out the front door.

I let out a sigh of relief.

I quickly finished getting ready and rushed out of his house.

As I drove to Keith's, I tried to contain my composer as best as possible.

When I arrived, I knocked on his door, feeling tears fall down my face.

I quickly wiped them away when he opened it.
He stood there and examined at me.

"What's wrong, love?" he asked me in a soft almost whispering tone.

That was all I needed to hear, and I began to cry outside his door.

"Oh God," he muttered as he pulled me inside.
He walked me through his house to the sitting room, I noticed his home had been very well cleaned since our last visit.

We sat on the couch together.

"Alright, Cyn. Tell me what happened."

"I-I... Roger!... S-Sarah!" I tried to talk as I gasped for breath in between sobs.

He leaned in and held me close. "Just take a deep breath, love."

He held me until my sobs turned into just tears.

"K-Keith..?" I finally managed to get out.

"Yes, dear?"

"It was, uh Roger."

He let go of me and looked into my eyes.

"What did he do?"

I looked down, tears filling my eyes again. "He cheated on me, Keith."

He was silent as he took my head in his hands and wiped away my tears.

"We're gonna figure this out, ok?" he whispered reassuringly.

"I hope so," I sighed.

We sat there together as he held me in his arms, comforting me.

"Now," he said in a more cheerful tone, trying to lighten the mood. "You hungry?"

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