When they confess

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Your POV
Aang and I both have been together for awhile, during the trip to ba sing sae I had been captured and heard the announcement of the avatars death, I were distraught, not talking, barely eating, and since I was a high risk prisoner they sent me to boiling rock, I noticed two new guards, one recognised me, it was sokka, eventually we all got out along with a girl named suki, and Sokkas dad as we arrived back at the group i was surprised to see the guy I liked...aang, who was alive and healthy, we both ran to embrace each other as i held him like I'd loose him again he whispered very gently and soft "I'm so sorry...I didn't mean it to hurt you...I actually really like you..." and i were shocked. Both a blushing mess I whispered a small "I like you too"

Your POV
I was helping my people fish, and clean the fish, since Sokka was the only older male, he needed help so I offered to, he took me and katara fishing as katara was distracted he seemed to be holding something in the pocket of his pants, which katara and I have sewn many times, "hey Y/N I know we have known each other or a long time and-...well-...I really like you- and I Uh.... made this... for you" he handed me a betrothal necklace and I was shocked. I hadn't said anything yet and Sokka was looking dejected, even katara was oddly quiet. I quickly spoke up saying "I like you too sokka...yes" as we hugged we heard a loud cheering behind us I grew red realizing it was katara

Your POV
As the prince had me taken to the ship, I noticed most of the crew recognized me. After awhile a steaming zuko came back, mumbling. He had stormed off to his chamber, leaving me with general iroh. "Don't worry dear, he is just upset his plan failed" he had told me, noticing my worried face.
~time skip to two hours later~
I was sitting on the deck, watching the stars, because no matter where I seem to go, they seem to relatively stay the same, but I soon heard footsteps, turning around to see the one and only prince zuko. "I'm uh... sorry about taking you..."zuko said.
"I won't say it's ok, because it really wasn't"I replied. "I know"zuko stated sadly. "It's just-...I couldn't get the girl who helped me out of my head...the one who saved me..."zuko said airily. "You-you made me fall for my mystery hero..."zuko said kind of timidly. "I was in your school...I noticed you at breaks...but I was too nervous to talk to you...I really liked you" you had managed to say before blushing

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