Coronation Part 1

Start from the beginning

I left my hair down and we headed to the east wing of the castle to where our dresses were. We ran into Plagg who, was just aimlessly walking around. 

M: Uncle Plagg?

Plagg: Yes?

M: What are you doing?

Plagg: Not much. I was walking around thinking. 

M: Yeah right. You said and I quote, 'If you think to much it is bad for your brain. It destroys your brain cells. It's a proven fact. '

Plagg: *groan* Fine. I thought I smelled your aunts Camembert cookies. I was right and I took one and a little black kitten with green eyes took it and now I am trying to find that little thief. 

M: *giggle* Ok. You found Camembert the kitten. Adrien's kitten to be exact. He lives up to his name. He LOVES camembert. It is the only other thing he will eat other than my croissants. HE and Adrien are very much alike. 

Plagg: So, he should be in Adriens room. Got it. Thanks Mari. 

I waved and he sped off. Me and Alya continued on our way. We got to the office and they let us in. I saw my dress and I gasped. It was beautiful. I had the perfect tiara to go with it. I saw Alya's dress and it was beautiful too. I already knew she had a tiara but, I would still loan her one if she needed it. 

We went back to our rooms and I got a call from Maggie. 

M: Maggie?

Maggie: Hello your majesty. Everything is ready for your coronation. Remeber it starts at 8 AM. In about 3 hours. Stella will be coming to do your make up and style your hair and pick out your shoes. 

M: Alright. Who is going to Alya?

Maggie: Stella will be doing her as well.  You are allowed to accompany her if you wish to. 

M: I do. Thank you, Maggie. For everything. 

Maggie: I do my best. Bye. 

M: Bye. 

She hung up and there was a knock on the door. I opened it and Stella was at the door. 

Stella: I am here. 

M: Yes. Come in. 

She came in and grabbed my dress. She smiled and handed it to me. I went to my closet and put it on. I came out and twirled.


M: How does it look?

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M: How does it look?

Stella: Amazing. 

I sat down and she began to do my hair and make up. I sat as straight as possible and tried my hardest not to move. When, she was done I made a mental note to make her a royal hairdresser and to make sure she did make up as well. 

I smiled and hugged her. I simply had to admire my hair and make up on last time in the mirror. 

Make up

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