"It might help you find that deeper connection we talked about. That is if you can keep it in your pants." She teases.

"Hardy har har." I say sarcastically. "I'll think about it, okay?" I ask taking a drink of my wine.

"Just let me know." She says sing songy. "Unless..." she says giving me a stern look.

"What?" I say weirded out by her look.

"Unless you don't want to because of a certain someone?" She says smiling knowingly at me before she starts eating.

"No." I say shutting it down. "We only hooked up that one time, two weeks ago. And it isn't happening again." I say trying to convince myself.

"I mean you told me you thought you loved him," she reminds me. "It would be okay for feelings to resurface." She reassures me.

"Nope." I say popping the p.

"Okay." She says not convinced.

"You know what's really annoying though?" I say clearly not ready to be done talking about him. "After we broke up, I barely saw him anywhere, almost like he disappeared." I say remembering how weird it was that he kind of went off the grid. "But now?" I say waving my hand. "I can't get away from him. He's everywhere." I say almost annoyed.

"What do you mean?" She laughs at my dramatics.

"I mean he's unavoidable." I say plainly. "Luckily, I have been able to steer clear of talking to him, but I see him everywhere."

"Okay, well it could be the fact that his daughter goes to our school so chances are, you're going to see him often." She informs me.

"Not just there though." I correct her. "I see him at the pharmacy, at the grocery store, and even at the gym, and you know how early I go."

"Oh, relax! That's what happens when you live in a city the size of this one."

She's right. I mean our city isn't super small, in fact I think it's just the right size It's small enough that you will always run into someone you know, but big enough that you don't know everyone.

"You're right." I shrug it off. "I'm just over thinking it. He is just sexy as hell!" I admit. "And the more I see him, the more my body wants him."

"Your body, huh?" She goads me.

"Yes." I say setting her straight. "I don't even know him anymore to have feelings for him."

"Okay, enough talking about men we know." She says grabbing the remote. "And let's watch men we wish we knew." She says picking a movie from the cue as we continue to eat.

"Matt Bomer is so sexy." I say as we watch magic mike XXL. Why did she pick this movie? I don't know, but I'm not complaining. "And he can sing?! I would love to have his babies."

"Too bad he's gay." Kacey says unable to tear her eyes from the TV.

"I know." I say a little disappointed. "His husband is one lucky man!" I say finishing the last of my wine.

"Well, my favorite is Joe Mangianiello." She says suggestively.

"He's almost everyone's favorite, besides Channing Tatum." I say pouring us both some more wine.

"But look at him." She says pointing her hand toward Joe. "he's ripped."

"True. But he's bulky ripped." I explain. "I like the tall and lean kind of ripped where you know they're strong, because of their subtle muscles poking out from their shirt, but there is a little mystery there. Like you can't help but think, what's under there and how can I get to it? Matt has that."

Kacey laughs. "He isn't the only one." She wiggles her eyebrows at me.

"No comment." I say. I don't know why she keeps being Alex up.

"Come on!" She says slightly nudging me. "You can't say you weren't thinking of him when you said that. I mean that's oddly specific."

"I have a type." I deflect.

"Uh huh, sure." She laughs.

"You're annoying." I say truthfully.

"I'm sorry! I'll stop." She giggles. "It's just obvious that there is something there." She justifies.

"Physically." I nod my head agreeing. I'm not going to deny that I lust after him. "But I opened up to him once before and it didn't work out." I share the reason behind my resistance.

"Okay," she says standing up and grabbing our plates. "We will just have to find you someone like Matt Bomer then." She says making her way to the kitchen with the dishes in hand.

"Yes please!" I raise my hand. "Just put the dishes in the sink." I say not wanting to get off my couch. "You didn't have to do that, thank you."

"Uh, Lynn." Kacey calls to me somewhat urgently. "You might need to come and take a look."

I get up from the couch and make my way to the kitchen. She's standing near the sink. "What's wro-" I begin to ask and then I feel it. My foot splashes in a puddle forming from underneath the sink. I open the cabinet where the drain is located and see water covering the bottom, which was leaking onto my floor.

"You have got to be kidding me?!" I say pissed off.

I take my phone out and dial Ron. I hope he doesn't get pissed that I'm calling him at 10:00 at night.

Ron is a local handyman that specializes in pretty much everything. I own this house, but it is pretty old, so problems like this arise often. He has helped me out a lot. He is a scrawny 60 year old man, but is able to fix basically anything I need.

He actually owns the business so he either comes to do the job or sends one of his guys to help.

"What can I do for you darling?" His friendly voice rings through the phone.

"I'm sorry it's late, but something is wrong with my sink. The pipe is leaking." I explain.

"Don't worry about it." He eases my worries. "I'm actually out of town this weekend. The Mrs. and I are visiting the grandkids, but I'll send one of my guys over tomorrow around 9:00, will that work?"

"Yes, please!" I say gratefully. "Thank you so much!" I say before hanging up the phone.

We decide to call it a night. Before leaving, Kacey helped me lay some towels down and place a bucket under the leak in hopes that it will contain it until tomorrow.


This is a wattpad story so all the characters are like super good looking and have really high sex drives. 🤣

I kind of see Alex as Julian Morris. You can picture whoever you want. But if you have the time google Julian Morris shirtless... you're welcome. 😏

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