Small town road

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For the persons who may want to intrude, Kyle definitely only came along only because Leo and Kenny would die driving from South Park to Vegas to beyond if he wasn't around—if not then then they'd die coming back. It's simply the rule of nature for the two, the inexperienced nature of Butters and the childish behaviours of Kenny, rules of nature say they need someone and well Kyle will be that someone even if he doesn't practically like long drives.

He definitely did not come along because they looked so excited to invite him or to get away from his family and god forbid Stan when he does nothing but fuzz about his girlfriend  like a princess ever since she said she felt ignored because of the time Kyle and Stan spent together—admittedly cancelling a date to come play video games was a bit trashy but that kind of thing will happen sometimes, he doesn't see why she flew off the handle so bad about it. Perhaps he's just gotten used to her nagging to the point he can't see how Stan doesn't deserve his breaks from the girl or perhaps he's grown mildly annoyed with the years of hot potato between the two, from both sides, of blaming each other for issues in their relationship, of trying to make him pick a side. Maybe he wishes they saw some more compatible people, some people who didn't make them scream, but then again Stan does insist they are in love and can figure it out each time after his rants so maybe he just doesn't get straight people, who knows. They're just not a fit to him.

"So!" Kenny announces, clapping his hands together to get both the other boys attention, grinning wildly as he speaks, upbeat to the best of his ability though he does feel genuine excitement nonetheless, "If you would sit down, sirs, I'll take first drive."

The other two do not need to be asked twice as soon as Kenny opens the door with a bow, blowing a kiss as they sit at the front. For a pickup, which they have no idea how Kenny got his hands on, it's not too weird that they fit all together at the front, "fasten your seatbelts gentlemen, the weather is a good 50 degrees Fahrenheit, this will be a long drive."

Kenny climbs in last, watching the other two put their bags in the back before starting it up, pulling the stick to the second position before switching it to the first sheepishly, getting the car out of park and softly pushing against the 'go' to yank forward slightly.

"Do-do you need me to drive?" Kyle asks, clinging to his seat. God. He's going to die too. He came with these dumbasses to stop them dying and he's dying with them, "We can still switch."

Kenny doesn't respond, putting his foot more comfortably and putting his hands on the wheel before pressing softer yet again, this time not taking it off and moving the car forwards, turning at the street corner towards the road out of South Park slowly, "More responsive than my car, I can handle it."

"Good," Leo speaks, softly with the slight edge of sarcasm he seems to have developed at an older age rather than remaining himself from the past, a naive child, now almost more like a person who has seen too much with their own eyes to act like the world they are in is the most beautiful one, "I was looking forward to not dying—that's a lie please kill me."

Kenny simply laughs, looking at the road with a small glance in their direction, simple smile coming to his lips from the short interaction. He's simple. He's not smart, he's not dumb. He isn't untrusting, he isn't naive, he's simple, normal, average. He's a bit taller than average, he's a bit thinner than average, he's a bit deeper voices than average but he's average. He's sort of a glue, in his own opinion at least.

"Which one of you reads the map?" Kenny questions as truck climbs it's first hill and comes across a fourway, him knowing to go left here but not really knowing much further, maybe a few more miles but not beyond that.

"Me," Butters exclaims, looking around the bag at his feet, taking the map and looking at it for a moment, "Forward next section!"

"Yes captain," Kenny speaks while Kyle fiddles with the CD's he finds in the car, glossing over the fact there's a few more sexual ones with a shrug, it's Kenny, he didn't exactly expect one titled 'romantic ballads that expose that I'm far softer and more affectionate than people care to notice because I flirt a lot and make dirty jokes (though I'm still sexual nonetheless but I also want to commit)' or something.

But he does find queen, almost at disbelief that it would be Kenny's before realising the guy does like older music too—he knows that. It's just such a pleasant surprise to find them in there with Kenny and Butters are talking about what they want to do once they get to Los Vegas. It's a pleasant noise to have in the background even if he can't attach himself to the conversation too strongly.

"I like neon lights," Butters admits, looking out the window, "I think they're amazing—they're so many different colours and flashing and beautiful and I like how they look in pictures of the place—I've never seen them in person."

"They are pretty," Kyle admits. He's seen them before. Sure they're not the most mesmerising things to him, he doesn't stare at them for hours on end and draw them, he doesn't sing songs about them or write poetry about them
—but he does like them. They're pretty in his opinion.

"They're aesthetic," Kenny speaks, watching eye of Kyle holding the CD in his hand and winking, "So, Butters, you in for some queen?"

"Yes," he speaks, simply, to which Kyle puts the disc in and presses play to the intro of Radio Ga Ga.

"Turn left," Butters speaks when Mercury starts to sing, "Wontcha, pilot?"

"Yessir," Kenny speaks, turning the truck left and saluting him briefly before doing the same for Kyle as well, looking to him and thinking of what to say, "Penny for your thoughts?"

Kyle thinks. What is he thinking about, what did he think about, "I'm wondering if singing along to Queen quietly enough to not be heard is possible."

"No," Kenny responds simply, backed up by a 'Definitely not' by Butters before he continues to speak, "But if all three of us do it it won't be awkward."

"I'm in," Butters speaks with a grin as Kenny starts, quickly joining in with him to not make it awkward.

And as Kyle joins in, even if he left unsure if he wanted to go that bad, to protect the other two from stupid mistakes and to not have to be annoyed and stuck at home, he has decided that he likes being on this trip with the two, so far at least.

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