Series 3 Episode 2: The Shakespeare Code

Start from the beginning


"There's something I'm missing Martha. Something really close. Staring me right in the face and I can't see it. Rose would know. That friend of mine, Rose, she'd know exactly what to say right now. Still! You're a novice, can't be helped. I'll take you back home tomorrow."



"Bind the mind and take the man,
Speed the words, to writers hand."


"I'll take that to aid my flight,
And you shall speak no more this night."


"Rage, rage against the dying of light."

"I might use that."

"You can't, it's someone else's."


"Words and shapes, following the same design. 14 lines, 14 sided, 14 facets... oh my head! Tetra decagon! Think! Words, letters, numbers, lines.."

"But this is just a theatre."

"But a theatres magic, isn't it? You should know! Stand on this stage. Say the right words, with the right emphasis, at the right time. Oh, you can make men weep. Or cry with joy. Change with joy... you can change people's minds just with words in this place! And if you exaggerate that..."

"It's like your police box. Small wooden box with all that power inside."

"Oh, Oh! Martha Jones, I like you!"


"We can all have a good flirt later."

"Is that a promise Doctor?"

"Oh, 57 academics just punched the air, now move!"


"I've been mad. I lost my mind. The fear of this place set me right. Does it's job."

"What could make you lose your mind?"

"You lost your son."

"My only boy. The Black Death took him. I wasn't even there."


"Too be or not too be... ooh! That's good."

"You should right that down."

"Maybe not. Too pretentious."


"Creature I name you... carrionite."


"I named her. The power of a name. That's old magic."


"The plays the thing! And yes, you can have that."


"Oh, how to explain the mechanics of the infinite temporal flux? I know! Back to the future! It's like back to the future."

"The film?"

"No, the novelisation. Yes, the film."


"Which house? Make that witch house."


"But your hearts grows cold, the north wind blows and carries down, the distant... Rose."

"Oh, big mistake. Cause that name keeps me fighting."


"Considering my enemy has such a handsome shape."

"That's one form of magic that's not gonna work on me."


"Hold on, Mister. Two hearts?"

"You're making a habit of this. Ow! I've only got one heart working! How do you people cope? I've gotta get the other one started, hit me! Hit me on the chest! Argh! Other side!"


"We're going the wrong way!"

"No, we're not! We're going the wrong way!"


"Betwixt Dravidian shores and linear five, nine three o one six seven point o two and strikes the fulsome grove of Rexel Four. Co radiating crystal activate!"


"Stop the play! I think I said that - Stop the play!"

"I hit my head."

"Don't rub it too much, you'll go bald."


"Close up this din of hateful fire decay!
Decomposition of your witches plot!
You thieve my brains, consider me your toy,
My doting Doctor tells me I am not.
Foul carrionite spectres cease your show between the points,
Seven six one three nine o
And banished like a tinkers cuss
I say to thee expelliarmus!"


"Your effect is special indeed."

"Not your best line."


"Queen Elizabeth the first!"

"Doctor! My sworn enemy."


"Off with his head!"



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