F I N A L E (Alternate Ending)

Start from the beginning

Today, she visited the cemetery after almost a month of isolation and self-healing. Eehuey felt the need to visit him just because she didn't know who to lean on during these times. Xiaojun will always be her 911 person,

Upon arriving at his resting place, Eehuey was shock to see such a huge change.

Xiaojun's resting place was now a mausoleum.

The mausoleum was huge, painted white and gold with marble floors and a golden doors, the design resembled their home.

Flowers were all over the place, burnt candles were on the side of his mausoleum and she could only see a huge portrait of him hanged on the side of his resting place along with his name, birthdate and death engraved on a golden plaque.

Unfortunately, the mausoleum was locked and there was no way of entering it. Lady Mei Ling made sure to keep Eehuey away from his son so she built a mausoleum for Xiaojun before leaving for Germany.

Eehuey glance upon his image with sadness in her eyes. How she missed those lovely eyes of his, how she missed those soft lips of his, and how he missed how it felt to be loved by him.

"Xiaojun, please, come back. I — I miss you so much. I want to come with you already. I don't want to be here without you." tears started falling when she uttered that.

Since there was no means of entering his mausoleum, Eehuey just stood outside of his resting place and she weeped her heart out. She dropped the flowers she would offer to Xiaojun on the ground and there she slowly sank down and she sat on the ground right infront of the doors of the mausoleum.

Eehuey started covering her face with he rhabds and there she started crying so much. All she needed was tight and warm embrace from Xiaojun and all the pain would go away but it seems impossible at this point.

Amidst her weeping, she heard footsteps approaching her and so she lifted her head and the first thing she was her own reflection in the glass attached to the mausoleum's door... and she realized that she looked miserable.

Apart from that...

Eehuey also saw two legs yet behind her from the reflection and so she gently turned around to see who was there with her.


Eehuey was in fear and shock to see this person standing behind her, looking directly into her eyes. It felt surreal to see him again. This can't be him, how is he suddenly standing right beside her?

Eehuey's eyes couldn't believe what she was seeing and her mouth slightly agape, she couldn't say a word to him but she slowly stood up in order to face him.

Eehuey was now facing him and they were looking into each other's eyes. His face were full of emotions and Eehuey didn't know what to say or do.

He said. "Eehuey, I miss you so much."

Eehuey couldn't say the same thing because she was feeling more shocked to see him standing right infront of her.

The first thing she could ask was. "H-how can you be here?"

He walked closer to her and Eehuey didn't even flinch even though she was a bit petrified. He reached out to her face to tuck the hair covering her face to her ears and told her.

"I just can't leave you here, I promised you I would always be here for you. Remember?" he told her and he was a bit teary eyed,

Eehuey was feeling all sorts but she can't deny that she felt a bit relieved to see him here.

One Last Time (WayV - Xiaojun AU | WayV - Yangyang AU)Where stories live. Discover now