Part 4- *Pikachu is now thinking..*

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Time: 10: 24 A.M 
Day: Saturday.

Kaminari finally made it to his room and flopped down on his bed. His face had toned down from earlier and he could finally go into thinking about his sexuality. Oh the troubles of a teenager. 

The first thing that Kaminari questioned himself was: "Would you ever date a guy?"

Kaminari's thought for a while and the first thing that came to mind was, "Well of course I would, I find men very attractive..especially Iida.." Kaminari then turned red thinking about Iida and had to shake his head out his thoughts so he could continue questioning himself. But no questions were left. 

I mean if Kaminari would want to date a guy, that should confirm it. And he already knows that he doesn't like girls.  So Kaminari is now confirmed gay.  Kaminari weirdly felt relived that he knows now. It's like he came out to himself? If that's even a thing.  

"Maybe I should go tell someone about it?" Kaminari muttered to himself. Maybe if he told someone, he would be able to get reactions. But what if they are bad reactions...But, if he told someone that is already gay, he shouldn't get a bad reaction.  But who's already came out as gay? Not Bakugo...or Todoroki..who hasn't? The confused boy sat in thought until the person came into mind. Kirishima! He came out as gay last month. Kaminari quickly got out of his bed and ran out of the door.

Kirishima was just around the corner talking to Bakugo and laughing while Bakugo was blushing and turning away. 

"Kirishima, bro!" Kaminari yelled out and rammed into Kirishima. Kirishima flinched and then laughed and replied, "What is it bro?" Bakugo looked at the electric boy and groaned angrily. 

"I need to borrow you for a minute! I hope you don't mind." The yellow hair boy said nervously, almost like he was having sweat run down all over his body.

"Oh yeah! Sorry Bab- Bakugo! I'll see you in a minute." Kirshima replied, waving to Bakugo as he walked to Kaminari.

"So what is it?" Kirishima asked, putting his hands into his pockets and slightly already to lose focus to the conversation that just started. 

"So you're gay right?" Kaminari  chuckled at the thing he just said. Kirishima was the gayest of the land, it's like he was wearing a pride flag wherever he went. Well kind of, it was more of a headband than a flag, but either way it was still on him. 

"Well duh!" Kirishima laughed. 

"So um, I think I might be gay too." Kaminari tired to make it sound as chill as possible, but on the inside, Kaminari was internally sobbing and having a panic attack. 

"Oh, cool! If you don't mind me asking, got anybody you crushing on?" Kirishima smiled,  he can't really be homophobic since he is gay himself so Kaminari was stressed for no reason.

"Oh yeah! There is one person. And he is in our class too." Kaminari chuckled and did finger guns to Kirishima and Kirshima eyes went wide in shock. Kirishima was surprised of course, he had secretly known that Denki was gay for awhile, he knew that Denki pretended to like girls because that was his coping mechanism. But Kirshima was surprised it was someone in the class, Kirshima really thought that it was Shinsou from class 1-B, but it seems he was wrong.

"It's Tenya.." Kaminari was now blushing and turning away and Kirishima silently gasped. Tenya? Kirshima smiled and felt happy for Kaminari and patted him on  the back.

"I'm proud of you bro! I won't ask anymore questions since that is your personal buisness but hey, when you confess make sure you give me a heads up! I want to know if you two end up together!" Kirishima said happily and gave Kaminari a "bro-thumbs-up". Kaminari laughed and nodded. 

"Now if you excuse me, I'm going to be seeing Mr. Iida now." Kaminari winked and turned around in a swift move and Kirishima laughed. "See you later Mr. Loverboy!" Kirishima yelled back and he was gone.

(( A:N I wrote it. I did it. I'm honestly so proud of myself. So many people are supporting this series and I have done nothing to thank you guys so instead of being every author and do a Q and A  I'm going to continue the series. Thank you everyone, you have given me inspiration to write and make me more confident in my writing skills in general. I have started school so now I actually have an excuse if chapters come out slow but I have day off Wednesday so I will try and write some chapters then! See you guys then ((iwa-chan~!)) !! :))) ))

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