Puddingley chap 2

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WARNING! There's some swearing and lil bits of angst.

As you felt this alternative Barley's hand, every second felt like a blissful eternity. It was incredibly squishy too, more so than any other human, or elf hand could possibly be. You were certain that if you were to try and squeeze and squish his hand it would work no differently than a stress ball.

"We should be there soon my noble companion!" Said the extra sweet Barley, you noticed his stunning hazel eyes looked at you from the side. He truely had no idea how handsome he is.

You nod your head slightly, feeling your cheeks warm up again as he shot you that gentle look, even if it was only for a second as he looked ahead of himself once again. "But we shan't let our guard down just yet, there still could be threats lurking around this dense forest."

As you looked around, the forest made up entirely of candy and baked goods you somehow had your doubts of running into anything dangerous. If anything threatening shows up you could just easily bite a chunk out of them right? "Threats?" You asked, gaining absolute curiosity about what Puddingley might be talking about.

He looked back at you with his beautiful eyes again, you felt your heart flutter. "Y'know, like, Oreo Ogres, Gummy bears, Chewy Chimeras, Jelly Cubes." He said, going on a short list about what you assumed to be only a small handful of possible encounters you may bump into. Puddingley seems to have shuddered slightly as he uttered the name Jelly Cubes. "But fear not! For I shall keep us both safe! You just gotta do exactly as I say and leave everything up to me and we'll both be fine ok? After all, no offence or anything but I can tell you're still just a rookie when it comes to quests and stuff." He said with a chuckle.

"Hey, I'm not like helpless or anything, I can take care of myself too." You said as you lightly nudged his shoulder, he laughed his adorable laugh.

"Oh I know my fellow adventurer, but I am a quest master! I've got plenty of experience." He said proudly, puffing out his chest a bit before looking back at you again. "Don't worry, you just leave everything up to ol' Puddingley." He said with a kind and caring smile, you felt your entire face burn red at this point. He seemed so determined to keep you safe, as if you were a damsel in distress...which is probably what he saw you as since he ran into you earlier with a look of absolute horror and confusion on your face.

"Uh- Uh...y-yeah! Sure! I'll do whatever you say, Quest Master!" You stuttered out, hopefully that didn't sound too weird...this man seemed to be a master at making you awkward that's for sure.

"Great! As long as we agree on following me and my gut, then nothing could possibly go wrong."

As the two of you kept walking, you were admiring both the scenery and the view ahead of you. You each suddenly stopped in your tracks! Having Puddingley dramatically place an arm over your chest to ensure you don't walk past him. "HALT!" He cried out.

You instantly wondered what was wrong and peered your head past Puddingley's shoulder. It looked like a little bear cub! But it didn't have fur at all, in fact what it really was a big red gummy bear that was the size of an average bear cub from the world you once came from. It looked like it was stuck in a bush, having what looked like bits of sharp broken candy shards poking into it slightly. The poor cub let out a distressed noise as it squirmed for freedom. "Ah, the poor lil guy." Puddingley said with a frown, you felt absolutely horrible yourself too.

"We gotta help it! Poor thing..." you said, making your way towards the baby animal.

Puddingley nodded in agreement. "I couldn't agree more but we have to make sure- hey wait!" He cried out, he was now behind you as you were already setting the baby free from the prickly branches. "No no, Y/N! Wait!" He cried out from behind.

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