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I groggily woke up the following morning with zero recollection of what happened last night and the blinding sunlight coming from my windows giving me a pounding headache. I rubbed my eyes and immediately realized that I had slept with my makeup on, feeling the residue of the previous night's mascara on my fingers. I groaned and sat up, taking notice that I also still had on the same dress from last night and had only taken my boots and jacket off. I'm almost certain Gracie left me alone to sleep it out and for a good reason. I was shitfaced tired. Luckily I only had one university evening class today and it was late in the morning, which gave me enough time to take a shower and freshen up in an effort to make myself feel better.

I was a third year student at University with a major in Writing, studying abroad in London from California. I was staying with Gracie while I went to University. Having visited London several times before while still in high school, I had fallen in love.

I changed into a pair of light-washed denim jeans and a simple black top before walking downstairs to find Gracie in the kitchen.

"Morning, sleepyhead!" She chirped, as she continued to slice up fruit for a smoothie.

"Hey, you seem happy. I'm amazed with how you're not tired from last night." I said, walking over to help her out.

"On the contrary! Last night was one of the best I've had in awhile, thanks so much for coming along with me. I bet it was a bit of a culture shock for you, since you're not so used to loud and rambunctious people."

I chuckled at her words, "Yeah, rambunctious is right. I did have a pretty great time, though." My mind played through the night's events and I soon recalled the guy I was talking to at the bar. I froze momentarily and blurted out, "I actually met this guy last night while I was getting a drink."

Gracie turned to look at me smugly. "So that's where you were! I knew something was up, you don't normally leave my side in the mosh unless you're pushed out or you've gone for a drink." She set down the cutting knife she had in her hand, now fully invested in getting the details out of me. "Come on then, let's hear it. What did you guys get up to?"

I avoided her gaze and continued chopping away. "Oh it was nothing like that, if that's where your mind is. He was such a cool guy and we had a decent back and forth conversation about pointless things." I shifted my eyes to discover that she was still staring at me and I sighed in surrender. "If you must know, I found him quite attractive in the sense that he had great style and a confidant personality. Guys who dress nicely and carry themselves like that are a rare find, you know."

"Right, but did you get his number?"

A smile creeped up upon my lips. "Yeah, but I haven't called or texted yet."

Gracie took the cutting knife out of my hand and gave me a look like if I was out of my mind. "What the hell are you standing here for then? Go give him a ring!"

I shook my head and backed away with my hands in the air. "Don't kill me, I'll call him now alright?"

I heard her laughing as I went back upstairs to find my phone. I slowly scrolled through my contact list, looking for a name that I didn't recognize. Getting down to the "N's," I found him: Noel (Snakeskin boots) Fielding. I let out a laugh to myself as my thumb hovered over the call button. Hesitant, I wondered what he could even be doing right now. He could be at work, in a meeting,or with a friend. I attempted to shut out all of the apprehensive thoughts, closed my eyes, and hit call. The worst that could happen is me leaving an awkward voicemail.

The tedious sound of the dial tone was enough for my anxiety to sky-rocket, my heart rate was picking up and I didn't even know why. This was only a guy who seemed nice and that was it. Act as if you're talking to a friend, I kept repeating to myself. After six rings, he finally picked up.

"Hello?" The voice on the other end of the line had a thick London accent and his voice sounded deeper than I remembered. I assume he had just woken up.

"Is this Noel Snakeskin boots Fielding?" I asked, jokingly trying to sound like some type of receptionist.

I heard a slight chuckle from the other end, "I'm afraid it is, yeah. Can I help you?"

I hadn't thought through how I would introduce myself. The girl from last night? Sounded too sleazy. The girl at the bar? The girl from the London Leatherboys concert last night? He could've given his number away to multiple girls, for all I know. I was wasting time and I didn't want to come off as awkward. I uttered out suddenly, "It's Doc Martens. From last night's concert." I mentally punched myself after saying that.

"Oh right, Doc Martens! How's it going? I didn't think you were gonna call." I could hear him smiling when he talked.

"Yeah, I just thought I'd give you a ring and say hi," I sat back on my bed, propping myself up on my elbows, gazing out the window. "I really enjoyed our conversation last night."

"Aw cheers, I liked talking to you too." There was a pause, I heard some stirring and what sounded like him sitting up. "Shall we meet up sometime? For tea or coffee maybe? We can talk aimlessly in circles again, if you'd like."

I felt giddy inside, like a little girl getting excited over the smallest things. "Yeah, I'd love that. When is good for you? I'm free later today."

"Does half past two work for you? I can text you the address of the cafe."

"Sounds great. I'll see you then!"

We said our goodbyes before hanging up the phone. I gently tossed my phone across my bed and smiled to myself. What the hell was I getting myself into? I couldn't even process why I was so eager to meet him again or why I was so drawn to this guy I met in the dark spaces of a concert venue. It was all so new and exciting for me. I told myself that I had all the right in the world to take an interest in someone new, especially after the rough break-up I went through with my last boyfriend of two years, Jake.

So many thoughts swirled around in my head that I had forgotten I left Gracie downstairs on her own. I got up and swung my bedroom door open, only to find that she was standing right in the doorway. "Gracie, were you listening to everything I said?"

She snickered and nodded her head. "Of course, I couldn't resist! Only one little thing I have to say, though."

I sighed. "Yeah, and what's that?"

"Did you forget you have class today?"

I facepalmed myself on my forehead, "Shit. Class was the furthest thing from my mind." I gave her a helpless expression and groaned. "What am I going to do?"

Gracie's tone was matter-of-fact and she began walking back downstairs. "Which is more important to you?"

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