
134 3 0


Reader's age: 5

Y/n pov:

I was sitting on the couch in the tour bus. I was just staring off into space while Emerson drew beside me. All of a sudden, we heard yelling outside. There were a couple members of other bands outside, clearly drunk, and screaming at each other. I snapped back to reality and started looking around in fear. Loud noises scared me.

"Y/n, hey, hey, it's gonna be okay," Emerson said, pulling me into a hug.

"I'll go tell them to leave," Sebastian said.

I felt Emerson nod as he covered my ears. I tightened my grip on him and closed my eyes, shaking.

All I could think of was when I was with my biological parents before they had given me up for adoption. I remembered them constantly fighting and yelling. I remembered my mom falling to the ground with a hand over the developing red mark on her cheek.

I shed a tear, knowing that my parents had never really loved each other or me. Knowing that I'd have to live with that the rest of my life.

Emerson pulled some headphones over my ears and played some older music as the yelling grew louder when they refused to leave. I drew shaky breaths but started to calm down.

Emerson rubbed my back and sat me on his lap. Once Sebastian finally came back in and got them to go away, Emerson took the headphones off and I leaned against him and watched him draw for a while.

Palaye Royale x Child! / Teen! Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now