Part Eight: Back to School

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"Melody!" My mother said loudly in a sickly sweet voice that made me certain that something was wrong.

"What?" I mutter, rolling over in bed. The sound of my alarm clock was a much nicer noise to wake up to rather than my mother's screech.

"Get your arse out of bed now." She shouted, pulling my duvet right off and dumping it on the floor. "Your school called! They wanted to know when you'd be back?"

Oh crap.

"So if you don't get up and dressed and get your bed to school. You are going to be in serious trouble!" She turned on her heal and stormed from my room.

"Peace at last." I muttered under my breath. I drag myself out of breath, yawning. I stumble over to my iPod which was plugged into my speakers and hit the play button. I groaned as music blasted out, practically deafening me, waking me up.

As soon as I was dressed I managed to stumble down the stairs. Not bothering with breakfast, I headed towards the front door.

"Where do you think you're going?" My mother snapped. She was stood in the kitchen. She wasn't even looking at me. I swear that woman had eyes in the back of her head.

"School." I replied, I had to bite my tongue to stop myself from making a sarcastic comment.

A high, fake laugh escapes my mothers mouth. "Oh no." She smiles maliciously. "I'll be dropping you at the gates. You will not be skipping out again."

I actually wasn't thinking of that.

Twenty wonderful minutes later, I was sat in the back seat of my mothers car with my sister tuning the radio to some station playing the latest chart rubbish. My mother was pulling out of our drive way in her usual terrible driving style. I'm not sexist but she totally lived up to the woman driver stereotype.

The drive to school didn't take long, which was why I used to walk but I doubted my mother would ever trust me to get to school by myself again. It was as boringly awkward as every other encounter with my family was. The silence was only interrupted by the pinging of my sisters phone as the ever so popular child recieved messages from all her snooty friends that attended her school. Because, of course, my genius little sister didn't attend publuc school. No, no. She was educated at the super snotty, all-girls private school which was technically the same school that Luke and Liam went to but they kept the two genders separate as if we still lived in Victorian times.

"Get out." My mother said suddenly, cutting my day dream short. She had pulled up right outside the gates. "Hurry up Melody, these are double yellow lines." She snapped.

With a slight grunt of acknowledgement, I grabbed my bag and pushed the door wide open before getting out and slamming it shut.

I'd been away a while, yet the school still looked exactly the same, I hadn't expected it to look any different. Behind me I heard the sound of the window rolling down. I span around and saw my mother. "I'll be back as soon as I've dropped Hayley at school."

"What?" She wasn't going to be watching over me was she? "You don't need to come back here."

"We have a meeting with your head teacher at nine o'clock." She says, pushing the button beside her to make the window roll back up and she drove off. Earlier she had conveniently forgotten to mention this meeting to me. I was so dead.

There was now no avoiding coming back to school. It was half past eight. A full half an hour until this meeting started. I sighed and started to walk towards my form room. Three flights of stairs later I was walking down the busy corridor towards the bright yellow door that marked the room.

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