Chapter 1

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 Heey, as this is my first story i would really appreciate any constructive criticism or whether or not to keep going with it :) thaaanks


Chapter 1

I walked down the streets of Adelaide trying to find my place in a city this industrious. My plan was to make it, to prove that I can stand on my own two feet, without waiting for daddy to always bail me out of everything and have people wait on me.

I tossed back my blonde hair, trying to conceal my natural brunette roots with my plain pink head-band. I reopened my map to try to sort out where I was in this city, to see if I was anywhere near the bus. Back in Sydney everything was so perfectly set out. The houses were in clumps sitting against the harbour - mine and daddy's being the largest house. Here everything was just a whirl wind.

I continued walking with my face buried in the map, heavily studying the different lines swerving and intertwining on the surface of the paper. I looked up only to find myself crashing into a tall muscular guy. His jaw line was defined and his black hair was tousled. I momentarily stared into his deep chocolate eyes, wanting to lose myself in them before snapping back to reality.

"Hey watch it, I was walking here." I firmly scolded, my eyes wondering up and down his muscular body, probably not proving my point at all.

"Well that's a pity. I think you might be lost Barbie, Malibu's in that direction," he quickly replied, pointing. A smirk filled his face and dimples lit up his cheeks. Lights and sounds were whizzing all over the place, but for a second there, I didn't hear or see any of the commotion that was filling the streets of the city.

I huffed and turned towards the opposite direction. I couldn't help but smile as I felt his hand grab my arm, pulling me back towards him.

"Hey wait; I never caught your name?" he said in a playful voice, tickling my ear

"Kelsey." I replied trying to hide the smile I felt building up inside me. Of course at home I always had guys falling at my feet, but unlike this one, I never felt that spark back. I started walking off again to see if he would follow.

He didn't. I continued walking, unsure if I was even going in the right direction. I couldn't help but smile as I felt his eyes burning into my back, watching me walk away.

I kept walking down the road to find the intersection so I could turn down Main North Road, and to where the nearest bus stop is. I looked around and took in all of the sights and sounds going on around me.

Not much was around, but I could see an Asian restaurant in the distance. I started to smell the scents as I neared the store. I didn't think I was hungry but as I continued walking my stomach started growling at me.  

I was glad it was summer as it would be lighter for longer, and nice weather for walking in. I walked in and the smells wafting in the air were so delicious. I had never had a meal that a maid hadn't prepared for me, let alone take-away. I ordered Mee Goreng and was about to step out of the store, until I saw him.

Mick was standing on the stage that was set up in the corner of the store and the lights were slightly dimmed all around him. It was only a mini-stage, one that could fold up and fit into the back of a wagon. No other band members were on stage - if any existed at all, all that was up there with Mick was the wooden stool he was sitting on, and a microphone standing to the left of him.

He was leaning over an old guitar strumming it every now and then, and turning the tuning pegs. He was concentrating and it was clear he was thinking very hard. His eyebrows pulled together in the middle and his eyes crinkled in the corners.

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