
Over the next days, Mina moved into the cottage he'd bought her. It was perfect. More than perfect. There was a cozy living room ans a spacious kitchen with an adjacent pantry on the ground floor, together with a small utility room. Upstairs there was a big main bedroom and three smaller rooms. One would be the nursery, one would be a guest room and one room would be her study and library. It felt like home to her.
Despite Albus insisting that he didn't want anything in return, she felt like she owed him. So she made sure to be as loving and sweet as possible, visiting him in his office every day and overall being the perfect partner. She brought him little snacks and wrote him notes like some infatuated school girl, which was completely out of character. She tried to overcompensate for the doubts she still had and Albus soon noticed that something was off. On Thursday, after she'd brought him some home made stew for dinner, he simply had to ask.
"Everything alright, kitten?" She turned around and smiled sweetly.
"Yes, why?" It felt a little awkward, she'd tried to be subtle, but alas.
"Because for some reason you are going all domestic goddess, something I happen to know you to loathe." Albus winked at her and pointed to a chair.
"I guess I am." She blushed and sat down as he'd asked.
"So what is it?" Albus was genuinely curious about what hat prompted that sudden change in her.
"You bought me a house, you deserve to be spoilt." Albus wouldn't let that argument count.
"And you're having our baby, I think we're more than even, love. Please don't feel like you have to do any of this, you must be exhausted." Mina sighed. It was true, she was exhausted, always being perfect had started to take its toll on her.
"Okay. But I can still come for a cuddle once in a while?"
"As often as you like, kitten." Albus smiled warmly. "I prefer you as my partner anyway."
She kissed his cheek. "You're being very nice to me."
"I love you, Minerva. Of course I am being nice to you and you let me, I'm going to be very nice to you for the rest of your life." wow, that had probably been a little too far, Albus new that but these words had escaped his mouth before he could really think about what he'd said.
"I would love... Wait what. Are you proposing to me?" Mina was confused, they had just gotten back together, did he really want to take the next step?
"Testing the waters, if I propose, I'll do it properly. Don't you worry. We have time." Mina kissed him. This was a relief.
"Well, then I'll have some time to think about it. And I'm already looking forward to when it happens."
"You make me so happy, dearest." Albus gently stroked her belly. "Hi there little one."
Mina laughed. "You're being silly. There's nothing to see or feel yet." But he didn't seem to mind and she loved how excited he was now. Then she saw the time.
"Oh dear, I have to go! I'm giving Cecily Sunderland some extra help with transfiguration and it's time for our lesson!"Albus laughed.
"That's your little favourite, right? You talk about her a lot, should I be worried?" He teased and Mina playfully hit his arm.  "Albus stop it. She's just a first grader in need of some guidance and help with transfiguration."
"I see, we're going to have two children before this year is over."  he chuckled. Mina rolled her eyes but the "we" made her feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
"Albus, I am just doing my job, I'm not crossing any lines, I'm being professional." She insisted, even though her heart told her otherwise.
"Mina, I never saw your face get all soft when talking about a student. Face it, in your life as a teacher there will be some children that affect you more than others. That will make you care more and that's alright. Sometimes they return your affection but don't be upset when they don't." Mina nodded. She didn't want to hear that last bit, she was trying so hard to win Cecily's trust.
"Sure. But I think Cecily likes me. She always enjoys our lessons over a cup of tea. She's a little lonely you know."
He nodded. "Just take care. Don't get too attached, I know it's hard especially with the little ones who seem so vulnerable. And I know I don't have to remind you that this cannot affect your teaching in any way."
"Yes dear, I know and I'm being mindful of that. Anyway, I have to go. Enjoy your dinner." She gave him a kiss and then rushed downstairs.
Cecily was already waiting for her, staring into space but her face lit up when she saw Mina coming towards her.
"Good evening, Miss Sunderland. I'm sorry I'm late, I had a meeting." She let Cecily into her office and made some tea. "I thought we'd try toad to Powder box again today... Wait, are you even listening?" Cecily looked up.
"I'm sorry professor. I was... Elsewhere." Then she burst into tears. Mina was confused and for a second she didn't quite know what to do and how to react, but then she decided to just be human, instead acting out a role.
"Oh Cecily, what's the matter?" Mina hugged her and Cecily didn't resist, instead she wrapped her arms around Mina's waist as tightly as she could. Mina held her, stroked her hair and talked to her, but she couldn't soothe her for a good 20 minutes. Screw Albus and his professional distance, all these things wouldn't help fixing whatever this girl seemed to carry in her heart. Finally, all of Cecily's tears seemed to be spent and she leaned against Mina, limp and tired. Mina gave her a tissue and something to drink. Poor little thing.
"I'm sorry, Professor." She said quietly. "I wasted your time, I should go."
"No, you didn't. Please tell me what's wrong, maybe I can help you fix things." Cecily shook her head.
"I can't tell you, please try to understand. It's all too much." her voice was still shaking,
"May I hold you then? You look like someone in dire need of a hug." Mina knew that she was probably ruining her reputation of being fair and caring, yet always a little unapproachable, but it didn't matter.
"Please" Cecily whispered. Mina sat down on the carpet and cradled Cecily in her arms, holding her tight. Cecily started shaking and sobbed quietly for a while, but then she calmed down.
"Thank you." She mumbled. "I didn't know I needed that." Cecily could've stayed hours in that embrace. She'd never felt so safe in someone's company before. Nobody had ever tried to keep her safe. Cecily liked the perfume Mina wore, she smelled like flowers and wind from the sea. Comforting. Something she didn't know from her mother.
"You're more than welcome. And listen, whatever you tell me here is safe. Whether you tell me today or another day when you're ready, I'm here for you." Minerva felt like she was coming closer to what was hidden, which felt strangely rewarding.
"Thank you." Cecily said quietly and stood up. "Is there time to practice some transfiguration or are you busy?"
"Of course there is, I am never too busy for transfiguration." Mina smiled and they ended of having quite the productive lesson. Minerva made sure to praise Cecily effusively. She deserved it. When they said goodbye, she had to keep herself from ruffling the hair as she'd done with the kids in the village where she was from.
Cecily slept well for the first time in weeks that night. She dreamed about having a mum. A proper mum, not the one who beat her and forced her to do all those nasty, unspeakable things. And she dreamed about hugs from Professor McGonagall. She dreamed about being safe and about having a place to calm home.
Mina herself was glad about the progress she was making with Cecily. This was very important when it came to helping her and she definitely wanted to help her. Maybe it was her pregnancy hormones running wild, but she felt like they were bonding on a deeper emotional level. Cecily seemed to like her. Mina just felt so incredibly protective of the girl and couldn't help but wonder whether these were her maternal instincts kicking in a little to early.
When she told Albus about what happened that evening, teased her a little, but he understood. Secretly he was very impressed by her ability to just know what someone needed, whether it was some tough love, a hug or something entirely different. No wonder she was so popular. Yet, he worried because one thing he'd had to learn the hard way was that it wasn't always possible to save someone, no matter how hard you tried. He just hoped that Minerva could help Cecily, for both of their sakes.

The Course of True LoveOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant