"Ah Luigi, if you think you-a have it bad. I used to sleep with a big anime girl pillow all those years ago!" Mario laughed.

Luigi cringed, looking down at his toes.

"See?! I'm much worse! Now enjoy your trip, and let Pikachu get to experience it all too!"


The gentle birdsong of the afternoon filled the air as the young green plumber, staggered up the bridge - suitcase in hand towards the prestigous castle.

As he edged closer to the doors, the sunlight almost became impossible to bare. With a yelp, Luigi shielded his eyes a gloved hand.

He looked around awkwardly, hoping nobody had heard his reaction.

"Luigi!" A male voice boomed.

Luigi looked up and saw the young Prince, his golden locks danced around in the breeze. With a wide, toothed smile - he waved in adoration at Luigi.

"I'm so GLAD you're here! I've been waiting for you!" he cooed, followed by a chuckle. He gestured for Luigi to come over.

"W-Well-a, I've been waiting too... For-a, like... this-a moment. As in... b-being here. And, s-seeing you too... of course,"  Luigi stuttered shyly.

Luigi continued to attempt to drag the suitcase over the bridge.

I can't believe I'm here. That he invited me. I hope I don't make a big fool out of myself.

Luigi thought to himself.

Unfortunately, he was too caught up in his thoughts that he tripped over on the stone bridge.

"Owie!" he exclaimed.

Peasley gasped, hand over mouth and dashed over to the plumber.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry!" he squeaked worrily.

Luigi gestured to a blood stain over his knee.

"I-I'm sorry Luigi. I'll help you in and do something about your knee!" Peasley assured the young plumber.

Luigi quivered in embarrassment.

"N-no I'm sorry. I've hardly been here for five minutes and I've already ruined EVERYTHING!" Luigi sobbed.

Peasley looked sympathetically at Luigi.
"Ruined everything? What are you talking about? Now let's get you  sorted out."


The two sat in the courtyard. The gentle breeze toyed around vigorously with the branches of trees. Luigi stared in awe the the amount of roses that grew all around. They were all different colours. All different beautiful colours.

Peasley gentle placed a lime green plaster on Luigi's knee.

"T-thank you! And I'm s-sorry," Luigi squeaked.

The Prince chuckled.

"No, that  BRIDGE should be sorry. Like damnit bridge, it's like you knew this cutie pie was coming through!" he laughed heartily.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2020 ⏰

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