(OLD) Chapter One: Long Nights

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o - | Content Warnings | - o

> This is one of my earliest works and thusly reflects my amateur qualities.  

> Mentions of Incest 

> SHIP: South Korea x Australia 

> Angst 

> Mentions of Incest (Specifically Canada x Australia) 

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Australia lay in his bed, it was pretty late. The clock ticked just past 2am and his body ached from lack of sleep. His cheeks felt like they were bulging outwards as if desperately trying to make him fall asleep. He was wrapped tightly, burrito-like, however his hands were free just freely messing around on his phone. He was getting sweaty from the closed space, especially considering it was in the middle of his summer, but he couldn't be bothered to move. He looked like a wreck, his hair matted and tangled, his eyes were watery and bloodshot. He was very aware of his emotions, feeling lower than ever. Picking fights with Ame? His jealous side seeping through? The whole sex scandal thing? How was he suppose to help Ame and deal with himself? He decided that he needed help and while it wasn't a great idea... it was the only thing he could think of. He quickly dashed through his contacts list and clicked on UK's number, it rang for a bit... until buzzing off to voicemail. He let out a tired grunt, "The one time I need you and you don't pick up... what a great father I have..." He rubbed his eyes drowsily.

<South Korea>

Mmm, a bored SK was knocking at the door at this time of night, totally not suspicious. He was checking around to see if anyone else was awake to interact with them nicely. He guessed Aussie would most likely be awake because well... They most likely had problems and he wanted to see if he could help, worth a shot. He was just wearing a normal green hoodie with comfy black pants and pink sandals? Odd, right? He had to admit, it was a bit chilly, but waited a bit to see if they would answer the door.


Aussie let out a tired groan, clearly not presentable enough to show himself to anyone. He attempted to get up but ended up rolling off the side of the bed instead. A loud thump followed by a variety of slang cursing was enough information needed to guess he was alright. When Aussie finally answered the door he was glad to see it was SK and not Ame or something. He gave a polite smile, "SK~" He Let out a Cough his voice very crisp and raspy... clearly he was tired. "Ahem- sorry. What's gannin'?" His rich Aussie accent clearly on full display.

<South Korea>

SK winced at the thought, unsure of what to do, but when Aussie finally opened the door after a few moments, SK's expression turned happy. "Heyo! Nothin much, but anyway, Are you okay? That fall sounds like it hurt..." He trailed off with a frown, looking up at the Australian. "Oh and, when I'm asking if you're okay, I'm asking both mentally and physically!" There was his smile once again. SK didn't pick up that he was most likely disturbing them at this time, the Korean wasn't tired too much at the moment.


Aussie rung his hand through his hair, making him look less dramatically depressed. He let out a polite grunt, "I'll answer that inside it's facking freezing out here-!" He gently lead the way into his house, which despite the messy way he looked it was neat and tidy. He flicked on a few lights making the room more inviting, pivoting his hands to the leather couches. "Hhhh~ on a scale of one to ten? Physically- probably an eight... mentally? Ugh- I don't even know anymore. Say, you want some coffee or hot cocoa?" He briskfully explained, his straightforwardness was apparent... he clearly trusted SK a lot knowing that the hooded boy could probably help him out.

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