I mean, it's already afternoon, it's kinda a tradition for people to sleep at that time too.

"I'm here."


"In front of your apartment's door."

Ah, my apartment's do-Wait what?! My apartment's door? Infront of my apartment?!

He's joking. He must be joking. Why would he even bother getting all the way here?

"Stop kidding.", He's kidding alright. He doesn't know where I live considering the fact that I clearly didn't tell him. "I know you're not really."

"I really am infront of your apartment.", I heard him sigh."I just came by to give you your purse back. The one that you left at our house.", He said sarcasm almost filled his tone.

But on the contrary, my heart started to throb. I mean he sounded as if he was really telling the truth, which is a first when it comes to him.

Without thinking twice, I ran to the door and peeked outside through the peephole.

He was right, he was really infront of my apartment. My heart that was pounding so fast since earlier increases as I saw him right there.

He was just standing there, his right hand holding his phone that is on his ear and the other one, truly holding my purse, the purse that I brought with me when I went to join their dinner.

I took a deep breath first before opening the door. His eyes quickly diverted to my direction as he pulled out a beam.

"Hi!", He greeted with an unusual smile, which is also a first for him.

"C-Come in."

It would be a bit awkward if my neighbors sees me with a guy in the hallway so I just decided to let him in.

He took steps towards me as I was also absentmindedly starting to walk backwards. But why do I suddenly feel so self-conscious around him?

When he took off his shoes that's when I remembered to finally get my mind back. I walked behind him and closed the door.

"I agree. You have a cozy home.", He stated as his eyes were wandering around.

I just awkwardly chuckled."Thanks, b-but may I ask why you're here?", I'm not asking him that to be rude but to just know his other purpose.

"I already told you. I'm here to bring you your purse back.", His eyes halted from wandering right infront of me.

"I...I mean you could've just gave it back to me at school.", He briefly smiled. It wasn't that long, if I remembered it right, when I last went to their house and left my purse there.

But above all, my whole point is that he could've just gave it to me on the weekdays.

"But I've haven't seen you, and you said that we shouldn't meet too often at school or they'll be suspicious about us."

He also does have a point. I mean I did tell him that we shouldn't meet at school or else everyone would be suspicious in a way that me and I know Jeonghan as well, wouldn't like and there's really no reason for us to meet there.

They'll spread rumors and I'm almost a hundred percent sure that my life will be a complete mess when they'll know that this popular guy that they worship is having a relationship with someone like me.

"Oh, Here's your purse by the way.",He extended his hand towards me with my purse on it. I hesitantly grabbed it and cleared my throat after.

"T-Thank you.", He raised his brows which caused me to quickly avoid his eyes. "For giving it back.", I bit my lower lip and stood on my heel, rocking back and forth.

Us Again | Yoon JeonghanWhere stories live. Discover now