six: new

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"We should start volunteering around campus,"

Jihyun was sitting on the floor of her room scrolling on her phone while a pile of laundry sat undone beside her.

"What?" Doyeon asked from where she sat on Jihyun's bed.

"Look, they're looking for people to help run the faculty retreats."

Oh Doyeon was looking alright, but not at the phone. 

"What is up with you?"

"What do you mean? Nothing's up"

Her friend sighed, she'd been sighing a lot these past days.

"Starting last week, you've been saying good morning to the class. Every. Single. Morning. Who does that? I thought it was some weird joke at first. Then you held open the door for some freshmen the other day, you used to SLAM the door on their poor faces. And then yesterday you signed up to join student recreation as an event coordinator, just earlier you said hi to some random girls at the dining hall and now you suddenly suggest volunteer work? For as long as I've know you, you never wanted to do anything other than lock yourself in your room, why the switch up?"

"I swear nothing's going on."

"Stone Choi don't lie to me."

Jihyun groaned, "God not that old nickname, literally no one calls me that anymore!"

"Well we gave it to you for a reason! The stone does not randomly do this after eight whole years of being poker-faced, mind you, on a random Wednesday after a bad haircut and bleach."

"Bad?" She raked her hands through her hair, "I thought you said it was cute."

"It is cute!"

"But you said-"



"I'M NOT-" Doyeon cleared her throat, "I'm not. All I'm saying is that the internet told me that out-of-character behavior might mean that person is going through a crisis and I want you to know that I'm here for you and-"

"I am not dying Doyeon, Jesus fucking Christ,"

"You're not?"


Jihyun flopped onto her back, spreading like a starfish. "I just thought, well, it'd be a nice change to stop with the negativity for once. It's our last year on this stupid campus I wanted to have a lil fun. Is it weird? "

"Jihyun, you know I've been trying to get you to open up since high school, I just never expected it to be so, you know, sudden. Thought the bleach messed with your brain wiring."

"You're a terrible friend."

"What! I kind of wanted to see a dumb-blonde Jihyun persona!"

"Whatever, get off my bed, you're supposed to help me pack for the retreat not steal my bed."

Doyeon rolled around in her blankets, "But it's so comfy Hyunnie."

"Get. Off."

[no reason] - eric sohnWhere stories live. Discover now