Talking to Chris

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Y/m- Yea y/n talk
Y- I don't wanna talk to him
Y/m- Oh come y/n It doesn't hurt you to talk
Y- Ok mom I'll talk to him
Y/m- Ok great you can find him at the pizzeria
Y- Ok bye guys imma go talk to Chris
Y/b- want me to come with I can stay away but be close just in case
Y- I mean sure come on

When you guys arrived to was the same as when you where little nothing changed from the pizzeria you proceed to go find Chris

Ch= Chris

Y- Hey guys hey Chris, Chris can we talk
The boys- Hey
Ch- Yea let's go talk you wanna go to the park we can walk there
Y- Yea sure
Ch- So what's up
Y- I dont know I should be asking you since you wanted to talk to me
Ch- Yea I just wanted to say sorry I know sorry doesn't fix it but I am truly sorry
Y- Why?
Ch- Why what?
Y- Why did you do it?
Ch- Because she was down to do everything you didn't want to do or couldn't do
Y- Oh so just cuz I want to study and graduate that why you had to cheat
Ch- Well no
Y- Chris I had a final the next day and I was still planning to study and then go to the party just for you just cuz you always want to have it your way but after Dixie sent me that photo that's why I didn't go after all

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