Landing in New York

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You packed and went on the flight and when you landed your brother picked you up
Y/b/n- Hey Y/n
Y/n- Hey how have you been have you been stay with mom and dad
Y/b/n- No actually I got here last week mom called and said I should come cuz you where gonna come home and we haven't been together in a long time
Y/n- Oh so how college
Y/b/n- Stressing but one more year till I'm out how school
Y/n- Haha so funny
Y/b/n- Sorry I forgot mom and dad let you drop out but anyways how the LA life
Y/N- Good
Y/b/n- Do you have a boyfriend I mean when am I gonna meet your boyfriend Tony Lopez
Y/n- Never cuz he's not my boyfriend it was just one picture
Y/b/n- Ok and help me with your bags also tell that to dad
Y/N- Wait dad seen the picture
Y/b/n- Yup some supporter reposted it and tagged mom dad and me
Y/n- Oh but he's not my boyfriend
Y/b/n- Ok whatever
You guys get the luggage and you go inside the house and greet your parents
Y/n- Hey mom Hey dad
Y/m- Hi sweetie I made food let's go eat and talk at dinner table
Y/n- Ok

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