"We have a lot in store for tonight. You'll have time to get to know the Selected later, but right now, I'll introduce you to them as they don't exactly know who you are," Nara said before realizing that most of them had already met Jaemin, Cai already exchanging looks with the boy. "Well, at least most of them." She quickly added.

Nara turned to the Selected who all wore big smiles.

"To my Selected, I present to you Prince Cai of New Asia, Prince James of England, Prince Elias of Germany, Prince Alexandre of France, Prince Angelo of Italy, and lastly, Prince Hugo of Sweden." The boys responded with a round of applause.

"They will be joining us for the ball tonight and will be staying on the same floor. I expect you to welcome them with wide arms. They have all visited the palace before, but it has been a while so please help them out as needed. Now, let's make our way inside." Nara said.

She walked up the steps, the men trailing behind her as she entered the palace doors. Once they were all inside, she turned around once again.

"You all have some time before dinner and the ball so please use the time as you like. You are all dimsised now." Nara said, smiling to them. The boys gave her a quick bow before dispersing.

Nara quickly noticed Cai running over to Jaemin and giving him a big hug while Jeno watched from the side. Nara chuckled, deciding to join the lonely boy.

"Scared of losing your friend to a prince?" Nara said, surprising him. Jeno quickly shook his head.

"No, of course not." Jeno said but his tone didn't sound very convincing. Soon, Jaemin was dragging Cai to where they were.

"Jeno, this is Cai, the guy I was talking to you about!" Jaemin said as Cai waved to them both. "Cai, this is Jeno, the actor who's movies you always watch." Nara noticed Jeno's ears turn red while Jaemin had this huge grin on his face as he stared at Cai, anticipating his introduction. Cai cleared his throat before putting his hand out.

"Nice to meet you." Cai said in a terribly forced british accent. Nara covered her mouth with a fist as she looked away, trying her best not to laugh while Jaemin's smile had grew on his face.

"Nice to meet you too?" Jeno said as he shook his hand.

"I'm a big fan of yours." Cai continued in his accent but he had messed up the yours and the word came out sounding funny, making Jaemin throw their heads back, laughing while Jeno and the boys that had yet to leave stare at him.

"Jaemin, you scumbag! This was the dumbest bet I've made in my entire life!" Cai said as he continuously smacked the boy on the arm as he laughed. Nara poked the confused Jeno.

"The two idiots made a dumb bet and now Cai has to speak in a british accent." Nara explained. Jeno slowly nodded his head as Jaemin began to calm down.

"I know, but I love it." Jaemin replied as Cai shook his head.

"Sorry, I promise you I'm really not this weird. I blame this guy." Cai said while Jaemin put an arm around him.

"Jeno, stop pretending to be shy and quiet. You woke us all up the other morning when you stubbed your toe." Jaemin said, surprising Nara.

"Really? That was you? I heard that scream too." Nara said, as Jeno started to panic.

"Cai, I barely know you but I'm definitely willing to help you take this guy." Jeno said, cracking his kuckles. He quickly turned to Nara as he remembered the rules of the Selection. "By take, I mean take him to his room."

Nara chuckled as she watched Jaemin's face change into a look of fear before sprinting down the halls, Cai and Jeno right behind him.

"Kids these days." Nara turned to see Renjun and Haechan standing there, watching the three running boys.

"Tell me about it." Haechan replied. The two of them gave Nara a smile before proceeding to head to their own room.

I suppose I should get ready as well. Nara thought as she checked the time on her watch, knowing that the maids had requested that she be in her room early for her lengthy ball preparations.



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Prince Cai of New Asia:

So idk if you guys know him but i was considering casting cai xukun as prince cai but then I decided on hyunjin because he matches the vibe more

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So idk if you guys know him but i was considering casting cai xukun as prince cai but then I decided on hyunjin because he matches the vibe more

i've also been looking into stray kids lately and hyunjin's visuals are really no joke hehe

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