"Yeah, I have ever since I was 7. I run a program for foster kids where we put on small musical theatre productions and I am able to live out my small dreams through them."

Lin interrupts,

"It's truly amazing how much she cares about it. You know, when she first told me about her program, some of the stuff she said heavily inspired Wait For It, when I revised it!"

Alex looks at me with wonder.
"That's absolutely amazing! Well, I'd hope that Lin's at least let you hear the song already?"

I have heard the song already. Well, not the official version, but Lin sent me a rough demo a while ago and I had memorized all of it within 24 hours of first hearing it. But I wouldn't let Lin know that.

I nod my head with a smile, "Yeah, I have."

Alex claps his hands together and looks at me hopefully, "Well, would you like to sing it with me?" He makes his way to a piano and I walk over with him, Lin following close behind me. I nervously clear my throat and look at Lin as Alex started to play the opening notes. Lin returns a look of reassurance. God, he's never heard me sing before. What if he thinks I suck? I just have to suck it up. How many people get the opportunity to sing in front of Lin Manuel and Alex Lacamoire?

I take a deep breath,

"Theodosia writes me a letter every day.
I'm keeping her bed warm while her husband is away."

This will be easy enough. I've sung this hundreds of times, this time is no different. While I sing, I try to gauge the two's reactions. I mean, they don't look negative, so I continue to the chorus.

"Wait for it!" It's a little bit different without background voices, so I only sing it once.

"I am the one thing in life I can control.
I am inimitable, I am an original."

I see Lin softly smile out of the corner of my eye.

"I'm not falling behind or running late,"

Lin and I make slight eye contact, both quickly remembering the first time that we met. I continue with a smile,

"I'm not standing still, I am lying in wait
Hamilton faces an endless uphill climb,"

All I can think of is Groff with these lyrics.

"He has something to prove, he has nothing to lose.
Hamilton's pace is relentless, he wastes no time,
What is it like in his shoes?"

Lin looks almost teary eyed has he walks closer and puts an arm around me in a small side hug.

"Hamilton doesn't hesitate, he exhibits no restraint
He takes and he takes and he takes
And he keeps winning anyway,
Changes the game
Plays and he raises the stakes
And if there's a reason he's still alive when so few survive
Then God damn it, I'm willing to wait for it.
I'm willing to wait for it!"

Lin softly sings the ensemble part for me as I keep going,

"Life doesn't discriminate between the sinners and the saints
It takes and it takes and it takes,
We rise,
And we fall
And if there's a reason I'm still alive when so many have died,
Then I'm willing to
Wait for it,
Wait for it."

As I start to catch my breath, I see Alex looking at me with a slack jaw. Oh no, how much did I have to mess up to get him to react like th- wait, he's smiling? Lin takes a step back, smiling brightly at me, about to say something before his head snaps towards the sound of clapping. I quickly turn to see the one and only Leslie Odom Jr. walking towards us.

"Wow. Just, wow. Iris, right?" He asks.

I almost have to pick my jaw off of the ground before I finally respond with a small "Yeah, that's me."

He continues, "That was absolutely amazing, I shouldn't even be wearing this costume if a 15 year old can sing my characters song better than I can!" He chuckles lightly.

"Yeah, no kidding. You have some real talent there, I'm so happy that Lin found you. You sure are something else," Alex trails off.

Before anyone can say anything else, a voice booms throughout the theatre stating that the doors to the theatre would be opening very soon. Lin's eyes widen at the announcement, and Alex stands up to give me a hug.

"Come visit as often as you want, okay?" He says as we hug. He pulls away and says "I would love to have jam sessions with you during our free time, you fit in so well. And, it's sometimes nice to have Lin stop talking, especially if it's because someone like you renders him speechless with your insane talent." I simply nod. It's all I can do. I haven't had a coherent thought in the past 10 minutes. "Enjoy the show!" He smiles at me one last time, and Lin starts to lead me to the exit, close to where Leslie is. Leslie pulls me in and gives me a very soft noogie.

"You've got heart kid. Enjoy the show, I hope to see more of you around here!"

I manage to mutter a small "Thank you" as Leslie makes his way out. Lin and I make our way to the hallway that will take me to the theatre entrance when he suddenly stops in the hallway. I have to take a couple steps back to face him.

"Lin, are you good?" He wears an expression of utter disbelief while slightly shaking his head. He starts to smile, walking forward again with me as he speaks,

"God, I've known you for how long? Since last year? I knew you liked musical theatre but where on earth did that come from?"

I simply respond, "I don't know, I guess you've never had an opportunity to hear me sing. I didn't think I was anything special-"

He stops suddenly again and gives me a sad look.

"Iris, you are so special." He puts his hands lightly on my shoulders. "Please, never let anyone tell you other wise." He graces a small smile and pulls me in for a quick hug, and before I know it we've made it back to the door.

"Please, enjoy the show. I'll see if I can catch you afterwards."

I wave goodbye to him as he makes his way back towards his dressing room to finish getting into his costume.

I can barely contain my excitement anymore. I hold my tickets in my hand, hold my head up, and walk towards the entrance of the theatre, silently preparing myself for whatever else this night may bring.

Sorry this chapter took so long everyone! The Hamilfilm has been the only thing going on in my brain since Thursday, so all plans of writing were put on hold. Just thought I'd put Jon and Thayne in there, they deserve the absolute world. I'm going to have a lot of time to write these next couple days so hopefully I can pop out a couple more chapters in the near future! And don't worry, Jonathan will be coming back very very soon!

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