5 Years Later...

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September 23rd, 2044; 3:48 PM...

Ana is now 27 years old....

Connie and Colin are now 5 years old and their birthday was last month. And I'm 2 months pregnant with our third child. The twins are now in Pre-K, doing well and making new friends. Markus and North has finally found a way to have their own child so North is one month along. Today, everyone is working so the twins went with us. They were amazed at the crime scene that we were at. A human girl and her android boyfriend were found dead in the living room. We investigate the room as Gavin took the kitchen.

Oh! Gavin and Conan came to me and told me that they are a couple. I smirked at the fact that Gavin was gay. I teased him for a while, making him feel embarrassed. They got married two years ago. Conan has learned so much human ways. Well, too much sexual experiences due to Gavin. Blackmail was so good. Especially to my uncle which I told after this. 

Connie and Colin were begging to see the crime scene and help out. These two are too into our case. I gave up and let them go and identify the bodies as I walked out, bumping my head with Connor's. 

"Sorry, Ana, are you alright?" 

"I'm fine." 

"Where is Connie and Colin?" Connor asked. 

"In the living room." I said as we went in the living room, seeing them looking at the bodies. 

Then, both of them dipped their fingers in the blood and licked it. 

"CONNOR!" Uncle Hank yelled as he glared at Connor. 

"It wasn't me!" Connor defended himself. 

"Who else would teach these two innocent children to put fucking evidence in their mouths?!" Uncle Hank stated. The twins giggled. 

"What do you two got?" Conan asks them. 

"He's a AP700. His name is Tobias Morgan." Colin said. 

"Her name is Garcia Morgan. They've been married for three years, She died 2 minutes before him." Connie added. 

"That is correct. I bet these two will be great detectives." Ben said with a smile. 

"We want to be like mommy and daddy! I want to be cool like them and solve cases!" Colin said, jumping up and down. 

"Me too! I will show the world that mommy and daddy are the best and prove that I can too!" Connie did the same thing. 

I had tears in my eyes as I grabbed my children and spin them around. "You two are already are! Oh, mommy loves you and daddy does too! Our babies are gonna change the world." I giggled as I kissed them both. 

"They already are." Connor said as he join us. Both of them giggled happily. I can't wait until this baby is born. 

Having children with Connor is like a dream come true.....

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