"Okay. That sounds nothing like my voice," he said, furrowing his brow, "and I don't call her Mommy!" ...where anyone else can hear it. "Besides, how was I bothering you? I was just looking for a second."

"You're always just something," she muttered, turning back to her notebook.

"What's that?"

She sighed and highlighted a section. "You heard me."

He stood straighter. "But what do you mean by..."

"I don't want to get into it. Maybe I see it and you don't. Whatever. Never mind."

He narrowed his eyes. "I kind of want you to get into it now."

"Fine." She sat up on her knees, pointing at him with her highlighter. "You do this thing where you're all... and then you just... You're so..."

"Is this you getting into it?" He shook his head.

"I'm trying to find a word where I don't sound bitchy," she huffed.

"Well, I haven't heard anything like a word so far."

She glared at him. "How about clingy?"

He gaped at her. "What?"

"See, that was super bitchy. Fine. Maybe that's not the word. It's more like—"

"No, I'm not offended. Because it's super not true, so..."

"I'm not saying clingy is who you are, it's just who you've kinda been lately."

"And I disagree. I only invited you over. You could have said no."

"You didn't let me. You kept being pushy about it."

"So I'm pushy and clingy?"

"Today, you are! You texted me from outside my door that you came all the way across the street to get me, so I had to come over."

"I was joking. I didn't mean you actually had to!"

"Well, I did. And then I get here and go to grab a glass of water and there you are, right behind me, hands on my waist, making sure I don't fall down."

"You were reaching up and you were wobbling. I heard it on the news. Household accidents actually cause more injuries than—"

"But the weirdest," she went on, tossing her highlighter behind her as she stood, "was when you followed me to the bathroom."

"I was still talking and you started walking away, so..."

"You followed me in, Jake." She folded her arms, point made.

He stared at the floor. "Okay. I'll admit that's weird."

"What's going on with you? Why are you so... needy?"

"So, clingy, pushy, and now needy," he muttered. "If I bother you so much, then why didn't you say something before?"

"I'm not saying you bother me," she huffed.

"Kinda sounds like you are," he said under his breath.

"I'm just saying that I've noticed things," she sighed with an irritating little shrug. "It's fine."

And what the hell was he supposed to do with that? He didn't know what her deal was, but it felt like she was picking a fight... again. It seemed to happen a lot this year. They weren't like this before. It made him long for the by-gone days of junior year. But now, it's like they got into these stupid little fights all the damned time. And she was the one who kept starting it! 

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