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                            Niall's P.O.V

                    Me and the boys were on our way to lou's  to see his new step sister. i hope shes my age. we were all walking since our flats were just down the street harry our of the blue yelled last one there is a rotten egg!!!!! i just kept walking but zayn laim and harry all booked it. i was almost at the hotel ggates when i heard a scream and a big tumble sound i ran and saw what happend. there was a girll with boxs and a bag behind her that must be louis step sister i ran over and ask if shes alright but she blacked out ughhshe must have hit her head hard. i examinded her face and it was beautiful she looked just like jim. she had a nose and lip peircing and to be honest it looked sexy on her. her hair was in all diffrent directions but looked great. i picked her up and took her to her dads truck "hey jim this must be darcy she hit her head on the ground pretty hard because of the boys can we take her to the hospital just in case?" " yeah i hope shes ok is she knocked out" i nodded while i put her on my lap we got to the hospital and they put her in a room. nice way to start the day eh?

             Darcy's P.O.V

        I woke up in a white room and the bed was super comfy where was i? i tried to sit up but my head started to pound i goraned and laid back down a guy came up and asked " hey you alright love?" "your umm niall horan!!" i said wide eyed he just giggled " im guessing your a fan?" "wow deja vu?" "what?" "nevermind" "let me go get a doctor" i nodded and he walked away i was having a fangil moment in my head i re-composed me self when the doctor walked in "hello ms.Tellini, im Dr.bond how are you feeling?" "Headaches everywhere!!!!" "ok here are some pills for you to take for a week just to warn you other patients that have took these have and some side affects like they said they felt really cuddly and mood swings and it makes you feel like your on morphine so yeah just warning you" he then chuckled and handed me a pill and a bottle with the rest in it. i took the pill and waited "ready to go ?" niall asked " yeah but i feel loopy and werid" "the pills must be kicking in" i started laughing uncontrollibly we got up and i started skipping once we got in the hallway i yelled "surpise piggyback" then i jumped on his back he started laughing."i love your laugh niall" he started blushing when we got back to the car and niall explianed everything in my dad this is going to be a loonng week.. once we got to the hotel i ran out of the van i ended up tripping and falling i just rolled over and started laughing niall ran over "are you ok love?" he sounded paniked  " i fell and went WABAM! on the ground hahaha!!!" i feel bad for whoever has to take care of me while im like this!

               Niall's P.O.V

       She just face planted on the ground..and shes laughing.. i dont like this pills shes gonna fell that when shes off the pills. " be more carful love" "your cute you know?" she totally caught me off gaurd with that but blushed anyways i just met her and i like her already 1. dont let louis know he'll kill you niall remember that!! i helped her up but she sprung me into a hug "whats wrong darcy?" "nothing your cuddly!" i just smiled then her dad cleared his throut. and i whipped around and she yelled "daddy" he just glared at me like 'you touch my daughter your dead' look. she ran into his arms they walked togther.ijust walked awakwardly behind once we got to the livingroom she was twirling like a ballerina. jim explianed everything everyone. all of a sudden she froze and ran and jumped on louis lap "LOOUUIIAHHH can we have a sleepover with your friends" "if they want to?" she turned towards us and said "well do yea!!??" "yes" everyone coraused i just sat there she must have seen i didnt respond because she came and jumped on my lap "pllewwssee" she gave me the best puppy eyes ever "omg! you put liams puppy eyes to shame alright" "yayyyy!!! parents exit in a orderly fashion" they all left even pheobe. she jumped off my lap and froze and glared at liam zayn and harry "you three you guys pushed me over and i hit my noggen! apologize this instent!!" she crossed her arms and tapped her foot "were sorry" they corased "ok i forgive oh no..im hungry im starving i need food oh here we go imma die nice meating you guys" then she dropped on the floor and acted dead " come on niall order this girl some pizza" louis chuckled she shot up and said "pepperoni and hawinian!!" "alrighty" i  ordered pizza and we just sat there waiting oh gezz this night is gonna be crazy..

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