Liv took a shower herself. She got out a lil later, so she was pressed for time. She quickly showered, washed her hair and got out. She didnt want to be late to pick up Amanda. She herself settled on a pair of black slacks and a green dress shirt, she chose her black open toed heels to top it off. She let her hair go natural and straight. She thought she looked nice, for a night out with a friend and some drinks. What she wanted though really, was another night with Rollins. She hadnt been able to stop thinking bout that night, she couldnt get the feel of Amanda's skin under her fingers, the taste of her lips, both top and bottom lips. The woman tasted incredible.

Liv picked up Amanda at 7pm on the dot. Holy shit when she saw her. This damn blonde was gonna be the death of her this evening. "Well damn Amanda. One would think you have a hot date rather than a 'girls night out'." Amanda smiled and blushed. "Nahh Liv, I just wanted to look nice tonight." Feeling self-conscious she looked down "I uh, I can go change." Liv looked at her. 'Dammit why was she looking down? She hadnt offended her had she? Shit fuck, what the hell did she do?' She touched Amanda's hand "Hey you look fine Amanda. I didnt mean for you to second guess yourself. Come on hun, lets go enjoy our 'girls night out'."

They got to the bar, grabbed their drinks and their seats. Amanda was right it got packed and quick. Amanda was happy that Liv had decided to come out and have some fun. She looked at Liv. "I'm glad you decided to come out and have a good time. I honestly wasnt sure if you would considering we've never hung out alone." Liv pat Amanda's hand "Why wouldnt I? I've had fun with the guys and us girls do deserve a night out." Amanda smiled. As they were sitting there in conversation the show was going to get ready to start soon. Amanda hoped like hell they picked her again. They seemed to pick her and have some fun. She needed it. Right now she was tense and nervous. Hoping the alcohol would subside it for now. The show started promptly at 930. Amanda was hilarious when they came out. Liv just watched her. The guys came out dancing doing their routine. They were hot as hell. In the second act, they decided to grab Amanda and pull her up into their routine. Made Liv a bit jealous in the way they were touching her. They were touching her so sexually and so intimate. Amanda seemed to be unfazed, just going along with it. She was having fun. The jealousy twinges that Liv as feeling were just getting stronger and more intense the more the men caressed Amanda's body. 'Fucking hell, thats my body to caress. Not theirs. Oh shit had she actually thought that? She was in more trouble than she thought.' She was actually developing a crush on the petite blonde. After a lil while longer Liv had, had enough. She went up and grabbed Amanda's hand, pulling her to follow her. "Come on Amanda. We are leaving."

After they got outside finally Amanda pulled her arm back, scowling and clearly pissed "What the fuck Liv? Huh? What the fuck was that all about? I was having a good time. You're the one who pulled me out. I thought you wanted to see the strippers." Liv looked at her, scaling her from top to bottom. Manda's nipples were hard, her eyes dilated, a mix between being turned on and the booze. She bet if she reached between her legs that Amanda was wet too. "Amanda, come on that was getting quite um how do I say explicit up there." Amanda closed her eyes, she was annoyed as all hell. "Uh Liv, it's supposed to. For fucks sake it's strippers. It's not meant to be fuckin tame. Lighten the hell up." Liv grabbed her arm again. "So it's okay to behave like that just cause it's a damn show? Come on Amanda, seriously." Amanda was getting really aggravated, not to mention she was a bit turned on from the playful teasing of the strippers. Amanda snarled, "If you're so uncomfortable then go home. I should have known a prude like you wouldnt have any fun." Liv was now getting angry. 'so she thinks I'm a prude huh? I'll show her.' Liv grabbed Amanda's arms, forcing her backwards against the wall, kissing her so hotly that it left both of them breathless. Once Manda got her breath back she spat "Yeah real nice, you kiss me with all that passion and you leave me at the door having to fend for myself. Thanks Liv, much appreciated." Oh Amanda wasnt getting it, not at all. Liv wanted her and she wanted her bad!

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