Chapter 9

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"I'm dating Ross? So where is he right now? You didn't point him out," I said.

Rydel frowned and nodded.

"I know. He was so scared when he got the phone call that he's currently at home. He didn't want to see you in that condition," she told me.

I nodded in understanding and yawned, tired out already. At this point the doctor interjected.

"I think it's best if all of you leave now. Alyssa's tired and she needs to get her rest. You can come back tomorrow, now that she's stable," he said.

"Alyssa, we'll see you tomorrow ok? Get some sleep," Rydel said, blowing me a kiss.

"Bye guys. I really want to remember all the memories we've had together for the past six years," I said sadly.

"Oh sweetie, don't worry. You'll get your memory back soon," Stormie told me.

"Thank you Stormie. And again, thank you so much for letting me stay with you guys," I said.

"Alyssa, if you thank me one more time, I won't let you stay with us," she threatened playfully.

I laughed and waved all of the goodbye, feeling completely drained. I slowly closed my eyes drifted off to sleep


Rydel's POV

We reached home and I went upstairs to tell Ross what I had said. As I was about to knock on the door, I remembered what she had looked like when I saved her.

I waited, it had been 15 minutes and Alyssa still hadn't come. I went into Ross' room and climbed out the window and walked across to her house, where the window was still open, but I couldn't see her anywhere. I hopped inside and started looking for her.

"Alyssa! Where are you?" I called.

I walked around her room and saw the bathroom door slightly open. I pushed it open to see her in the bathtub, with water surrounding her. I rushed over and pulled her out, and quickly got my phone and called an ambulance. I laid her on the floor and checked her heartbeat, which was faint, but still there. I called my family while cradling her head, tears rushing down my face. They rushed over, and soon the ambulance arrived as well, and took her away on a stretcher.

But the whole time, she lay there lifeless, looking as good as dead.

I knocked on the door and entered to see him laying on his bed, staring at the ceiling.

"Hey," I said.

As soon as he heard my voice he sat up and looked at me.

"How is she?" he asked immediately.

I laughed internally. As much as he pretended to hate her, I knew my little brother.

"She's ok, physically. She's lost all memory of the past 6 years. She thought that the reason she was in the hospital is because of that time when you guys were 12 and we were playing rugby and we knocked her out. We told her that she's there because she got into a car accident," I told him.

"So she doesn't remember anything?" he asked.

"No, but..." I winced.

"What did you do?" he asked sharply.

"I... Imighthavetoldheryouguysaredating," I rushed.

"You what?"

I nodded slowly.

"Rydel, why would you do that?" he asked furiously.

"Ross, I know she rejected you when you were 13. I thought, that since you didn't get the chance back then, since she can't remember that, I could let you have that chance how," I explained.

"Rydel, I don't want to do it," he said.

I glared at him.

"Ross, just because I haven't said anything, doesn't mean I don't know. I know exactly what you do to her, but I haven't spoken up because I keep hoping that you'll stop, but you don't. Now that you've got a chance to rectify this, I'm not going to let you let this slip away from you," I told him.

"And what if I don't do it?" he argued.

"I tell mom and dad what you've been doing to her for the past 5 years," I dead panned.

He fell back on his bed and I could see a small tear run down his face, which he quickly wiped away. I padded over to where he was laying down and sat next to him, running my hand through his hair.

"Ross, it's not too late. If you manage to love her enough while she can't remember anything, when she gets her memory back, she might forgive you for what you've done to her," I told him.

He sniffed and looked at me.

"How on earth is she going to forgive me? I'm the reason for this. It's because of me that she even tried to commit suicide. We're lucky that you got there in time and saved her," he said, his voice thick.

"Ross, you've committed a lot of mistakes, but it's ok. Alyssa is not that type of person, someone who will continue to hate you if she believes you love her. All you have to do is make her believe that, which won't be hard, because as much as you deny it, I know, and you know that you love her with all your heart," I said.

"Rydel... I... I don't love her. I can't. I can't love the person who's life I ruined," he said.

"Ok, you can think like that, but if you think that you can't love someone who's life you ruined, how is that person meant to love you? Think about it," I said, before leaving him.

3rd person POV

Ross thought. He though about it all night long. He barely got any sleep, because the only thing on his mind was Alyssa, how lifeless she had looked laying in Rydel's arms, all because of him. And by the end of the night, he had reached one conclusion. He would help her. But he wouldn't let himself fall in love with her. Not again.

Dedicated to FallinForYou_ because she was feeling a bit down because of what some asshole said about her.

I feel so evil, I so easily could have written this whole chapter from Ross' POV, but hey, where's the fun in that?

And Ross is 19 today, I'm not mentally prepared for this.

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