Chapter 9

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The ash-blond was in a deep slumber after the two's remarks of their sleepless slumber under the luna, Ti'll then he felt his body was flying through thin air - but little did he know he was being lifted back to his own expanse and he was then again decamped onto his own slumber furniture.

He felt the warmth departing away from his touch, with that his continuous nightmare invaded his visions, grunts were adding up again to echo through the room, it flocked with a roar coming from the gloomy skies.. A cyclone was hitting grime of earth with its continuous droplets until it made the night completely restless for the blonde.

But It didn't after he felt the joy of his warmth coming back with a gentle because along with soft strokes along his blonde locks making his never-ending grunts turn to comfort, he was able to be in another deep slumber under the warmth he was given.

Till the dull sun beamed out from the gloomy skies, it was still pouring with wet droplets out of the castle premises and even into the village - the ash-blond's eyebrows slowly wriggled from the continuous noise from the exterior, alongside his eyes which slowly fluttered open to reveal his windows presenting a dull sun under the gloomy clouds.

❝Mgh..❞ the grumbled through his breath, his body chose to sit up straight to reveal a better aspect of his lavish expanse, then his ruby orbs blinked in disbelief to witness a female sitting right next to the prince's bed being in a deep slumber under the rainfall.

❝Oi! What the fuck are you doing here hah?!❞ the ash-blond asked the female right next to him - making her flinch into the sudden call.


Immediately flinched to the yell from the prince, Shoto rubbed her eyelids, looked at the other male with her half-opened eyes. Why is this shithead prince yelling in such morning? It wasn't like she molested him or some shit- she didn't even sleep on the same bed. Can you imagine how hurtful she back is for sleeping that way?

Neither she wanted to argue much, the female stood up, bowing. "My apologies, Your Highness. I'll go now," She spoke up coldly, exiting the room. After closing the door, she clenched her fist. If only that man wasn't a prince, she would tied him up and shove him into a sack, and use it as her punching bag.

Ah, her hair was such a mess as well. She hurried to her room, cleaning himself and changed her clothes. After that was done, she started to do her work. Firstly, serving breakfast to the prince. After what had happened what he's going to call her, she wonders. He probably would accuse her entering his room to- steal stuff or trying to seduce him. Shoto cringed on her own thought, shivering slightly. He wouldn't say that, right? He was having such a bad nightmare she couldn't leave him alone like that. For a female behaved like a man she still has a heart.

Looking over the prepared food by the chef, she waited until it was ready. She makes a teapot of tea while so, muttering curses from her thin lips. "Fucking, stupid, bratty- pomeranian. I was treating you so nice and what did you paid me with? Insults and those shitty yelling. I didn't even receive a thank- and even being called ugly?! You looked so troubled last night which I accompanied you until I fell asleep in such an uncomfortable way. At least a thank or a nice treating is enough. But did I receive that? I didn't!

I thought you might be open up to me maybe the slightest- or stop calling me a dumbass when you were the one who a dumbass, my feet are still itching from the hellish heels I wore just to save his fucking ass- I- alright, that's it. Once I have enough money to pay all those shitty debts, like hell, I'm going to even have a step into the palace!" She exclaimed as if wanted to break the cup by her own clenching.

The workers around jolted in surprise by her suddenly rage, one walked over to hold her shoulder. "Urm...Shoto, wasn't? Did he- treated you that bad?" The female chef asked. Shoto immediately turned around.


Her eyes slowly averted to a masculine figure leaning next to the door, her lips instantly out of word. Oh shit.

aNd this is the story of how Shoto Todoroki dies.


A few minutes have gone by and the female has finally chosen to leave the blonde's private expanse, eventually, he was left alone again with another headache from yesterday's event, He couldn't get the female to disembark from his bemused cerebral.

A form degree of delaying occurred for his morning refreshments, but meagerly a millennium of hours he was served his refreshments by his individualized servant.

availed with blueberry pancakes in an amassed stack was dripping with melted thick molasses of its tinted golden brown color along with its amplifying sweet aroma that filled up the room - it was garnished at the flat summit with navy tinted blueberries, alongside the dish was an emerald drink with its bitter due that hit the ash-blond's soft tongue with its flaming temperature.

❝Fuck..❞ he mumbled underneath his breath, a part of his tongue was flaming with a scarlet color - a little while later and the blonde decided to saunter himself down to the palace's galley.

And there he heard a familiar vocal, curses that were spitted out like flames from its tongue, the royal was honestly a briefed surprised at the chosen words of the female - in fact he even chose to lean his shoulders at the galley's side entrance to perceive the continuous insults the female has stored.

Though it was a shame it had to be concluded by the female by seeing the royal in such a calm manner after his hearing.

❝First of all, Calling you ugly yesterday isn't a damn mistake, If I didn't tell the truth you will fucking bring shame yourself to my whole civilized kingdom.❞ the blonde backfired down at the female, she honestly resembles lots of what his previous beloved had, she isn't afraid - but the blonde loves to have his ways of controlling, and he decided to play along what the female had said.

❝Pomeranian huh?❞ the blonde reached over at the rack of ice over at the freezers, grabbing in one cube before his ruby orbs darted into the other with his synchronized lips saying...

❝Crossdresser❞ the blonde mimicked underneath his breath, even though there was no voice heard from the royal, the female read it loud and clear - after then the blonde chewed the ice he had gotten.

If you must know, the prince refers to the female as a boyish one, from its action and choosing of clothes and all.. he figured that she was boyish.

Noble Heart (Katsuki Bakugo x Female!Shoto Todoroki)Where stories live. Discover now