Chapter 2

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"What a beautiful little country," Thraya sighed, looking out over the rolling hills of the Shire. "It's a shame we won't be here long."

Balin chuckled. "Aye, that'd be the Woodland Elf in you, child. But my home will always be in the mountains."

"Of course," Thraya said. "Now, where is this notorious burglar we are meeting?"

"All the way at the end, according to Gandalf."

"Well, the sun's low, but we should be there by nightfall," Thraya guessed, patting her pony's flank. They continued down the road at a rather leisurely pace when they heard hoofbeats behind them. Well, Thraya heard them. As the riders got closer, Thraya caught a bit of their conversation and her face split into a grin.

"You go on, Balin, I'll be right behind you."

Balin looked back to see the two approaching figures and smiled. "Alright then. I'll see you shortly."

Thraya quickly led her steed off the road and into the cover of a few trees. She wasn't about to let a perfectly good opportunity for a jump scare go by her. She pulled the hood over her head, covering her eyes and drew her sword.

"I'm telling you, that Halfling woman we passed was staring at you!" one voice insisted.

"Well, of course, she was! They don't get dwarves in these parts often. And they don't carry arms. We stand out."

The clopping of the horses was right upon Thraya. She nudged her pony's sides and leaped out at the approaching dwarves, swinging the flat of her blade at the nearest one.

As expected, he did not see her coming and took a hard but non-lethal blow to the arm.

"What the..." his outburst was cut off by a raucous laugh. Thraya's hood fell off in her sudden movement and her eyes were dancing with merriment.

"It's good to see you, boys!"

"Thraya!" Kili finally exclaimed. "You've changed quite a bit!"

Fili looked puzzled. "Thraya? No, you can't be. Thraya's just a little baby!"

"Baby or not, I can still beat your ass!" she chuckled.

Fili smiled. "Ah, it's good to see you too, little elleth! I would have thought you'd be at least twice our height by now."

"I'm glad you aren't," Kili said, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "It makes this so much easier!" He reached over and tugged on one of her little braids.

Thraya rolled her eyes. "Glad to see you matured in the last few decades."

"Ah, Kili will never grow up," Fili stage-whispered.

Kili smirked. "Well, if I have to, I will, but since you are Uncle's heir, I get to sit back and relax!"

"Well, come on! There's a quest at the end of the road! There will be plenty of time to catch up later. Besides, I'm hungry."

Fili chuckled. "And a hungry Thraya is nothing to take lightly."

"Hey, Ray!" Kili shouted, a wide grin on his face. "Race you there!"

"Oh, you're on!"

The two spurred their mounts and took off wildly, leaving Fili's protests behind.

"Oh, those two..." he muttered, before taking off with a laugh.

By the time he caught up, Thraya was gracefully dismounting and tying her pony to a fence post. Two other animals were already grazing.

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