Snake in the Class

Start from the beginning

"I asked the director to issue me a uniform because kimonos aren't the best thing to wear on missions." Shiemi explained, awkwardly shifting her weight from one foot to the other while Nee excitedly waved to the guys and Flor from her shoulder. "Oh, and Ms Kamiki was teaching me how to wear it right." She added, sending the other girl a grateful smile. Kamiki gulped and turned away.

"Like that's my job!" She snapped, a light blush dusting her cheeks. [Y/n] sweatdropped. Ever the tsundere...

"It doesn't look funny on me? Does it?" Shiemi asked, actually sounding a little self-conscious. Shima frantically shook his head.

"You sure look cute, Moriyama!" He raised with a deep red blush on his face while Bon hastily nodded in agreement. [Y/n] just gave her a thumbs-up as his own blush died down.

"Th-Thank you!" Shiemi stuttered out, grateful for the praise. Noticing that Rin had been unusually quiet, [Y/n] turned to check on him. Just as he did, he saw Yukio slap Rin right in the face with his clipboard. [Y/n] sweatdropped as he watched Rin slowly slide down the board before frantically flailing his arms around.

"That hurt, four-eyes!"

"Okay, now that you're all here, let's get started." Yukio announced, completely ignoring his brother's protests. Everyone turned their attention toward their teacher as they waited for instructions. "You'll be teaming up in three groups of two and one group of three." Yukio stated and the class nodded in agreement. Yukio raised the clipboard that he had just used to assault his brother. "Miwa and Takara." Yukio began, earning a nod of understanding from both males. "Yamada and [L/n]." The teacher continued and [Y/n] grimaced at the announcement, any hopes of enjoying the day suddenly gone out the window.

"Of course." [Y/n] sighed in defeat, letting his shoulders sag. Bon and Rin each gave him a sympathetic look. [Y/n] ignored the other team announcements as he glanced over to his partner, who still hadn't looked up from his game. He didn't know what it was but every time he was around Yamada, he felt off. Something almost seemed familiar about him. But he had no idea what. "I guess you and I are a team." [Y/n] started, making his way over to the other male. "We haven't officially met yet. I'm [Y/n] [L/n]." [Y/n] greeted, trying to offer the other teen a warm smile. Yamada, unsurprisingly, just completely ignored him and continued focusing on his game. An irk mark appeared on the side of [Y/n]'s head. "Well screw you too, asshole!" [Y/n] snapped angrily, gritting his teeth in frustration.

"Calm down." Koneko soothed, internally panicking as he realised that Bon's attitude was starting to rub off on [Y/n]. That could be a problem. [Y/n] just sent the hoodie-wearing male one last glared before turning back to his teacher.

"As you may already know, this is Mepphyland and the reason we're here is in response to reports regarding a mischievous ghost. Today, you are going to be the ones tracking it down." Yukio began, looking around to make sure that his students understood their situation. "We've sealed the park off from the public, so you have the whole day to find the ghost. Once you find it, call either Mr Tsubaki or myself." Yukio ordered and the class nodded in understanding. Koneko slowly raised his hand.

"Exactly how many ghosts are we looking for?"

"There have been sightings all over the park but, according to our intel, it's just the one ghost." Yukio answered, earning a sigh of relief from the glasses-wearing boy. "It always appears in the form of a small boy and, so far, its mischief has been limited to arm-pulling and skirt-flipping." Yukio finished. The whole group fell silent at the last comment. That was the big threat? A little intangible pervert who they could probably remove in less than five minutes if they found him. Rin's face instantly turned ten shades darker.

"Skirt-flipping?!" He exclaimed in shock while[Y/n] sweatdropped at the ghost's choice of entertainment.

"Really? That's childish." Shima muttered, shaking his head in disappointment. Not that his perverted ass could say much. Still, he seemed to have already forgotten who the ghost had possessed. [Y/n] just stared at him, waiting for the switch to flip in his head. "Oh, wait, it is a child." There it is.

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