Wrong Number

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While you were about to enter the bedroom you heard your phone ringing, you decided to check the number before answering it wasn't a number you knew or reconized,and out loud you said:Wrong number? You pressed the green answer button and put your phone up to your ear. You said:Hello? The voice responded:Your mission is ready,You said in response:I think you got the wrong number,As you were about to hang up you heard the voice say:We don,t,Sydney.You responded:Who is this? And the voice responded:We're sorry about this you responded with:About what? All of the sudden instead of your bedroom it was a black void and you heard remain calm. You yelled out "HELLO!?" The voice said:You're the only one who can do this. You responded in "DO WHAT?" You had three flashes of hxh before you felt yourself being teleported to heavens arena you heard:NEXT UP! Sydney vs- You said:Where- When you saw what you were going up against you said "Oh NO" you saw hisoka and he said "You look fiesty~" you said:FUCKKKKK- (Watch morallygrays tiktok and you will literally get this entire fanfic and why the characters name is Sydney)

This fanfic is off of a tiktok (this will include smut moments)Where stories live. Discover now