i'm also doing this,❞ finally coming to an end, the taller male gently placed the upset older down the ground and gave him that dimpled smile as if he didn't just carry him like he was just a light sack of potatoes. the younger male then thought that it'll annoy him more if he patted his head, which was a good idea. ❝to offer you a ride to school.

that's all? taeyong let out a huff in disbelief, slapping his hand away harshly. ❝i can go on my own.

bending down just to match their heights, jaehyun puckered his bottom lip while tilting his head to the side. if he was trying to look cute, he clearly failed in taeyong's eyes. ❝come on, you don't want to disappoint mom, do you?

that made the older male raise a brow in a clueless manner, peeking his head over the taller's shoulder only to see a woman, having the same dimpled smile as his, waving her hand in the air and happily watching them go to school together.

even thought they go to opposite ways.

being forced in a situation like this made taeyong utter a curse word that jaehyun heard but only chuckled at his frustration. ❝get inside.

taeyong didn't try to get away as he had no choice, following his orders and making himself comfortable down the backseat. he expected for the younger to go take the front one but instead, he caught him adjusting himself down right next to him. with taeyong giving him a look, jaehyun only passed him his usual smile before telling the driver to first go to his own university before the older's.

still looking upset and uttering some complains, along his cusses, quietly, jaehyun then remembered about something that made him check under their seat. the frustrated male didn't want to look like he was interested but the guy pulled out a small white kit, a first aid kit, and placed it down to his lap.

hand.❞ jaehyun then suddenly said, making the older flinch for the second time because of his voice.

wanting to be stubborn, taeyong shook his head and scooted away. he didn't say a word and just put his full attention outside the window where they were driving around the city. thinking about it, he never got to appreciate the beauty of their city because of how he would always hurry early in the morning and how he'd immediately go to his part tine job every after classes.

and since he was busy being in his own world, jaehyun took this chance to take his hand and start treating the wound he had made while making an attempt in climbing over the gates

it was when he felt a stinging pain his hand that made taeyong snap his head towards the younger, getting ready to shout at him.

but he spaced out the moment time stopped for him, only having his eyes glued at how focused the younger is in treating his wound. this was when taeyong can finally concluded, he really is attractive when he shuts up.

what is he even talking about? even if he lies, nothing can change the fact that this guy right here is drop dead gorgeous even when he just stands there and breathe.

shaking his head, taeyong then snapped out from his thoughts and even removed his gaze at the younger male who was taking his interest. ❝d-do you always carry this around?

and just when he wanted to start a conversation, he just had to stutter.

still focused on treating the wound, jaehyun only managed to shake his head. ❝not really.❞ he told him, smiling when he was already done cleaning it. ❝it just started to be placed around here because of ten.

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