Who Is The New Boy

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It was already leisure hour when a boy came inside my hall. He look new here because I haven't seen him since I attend this university. I am definitely sure he is new here. He is tall,huge,a light skin in complexion and got perfect black hair and metallic green eyes which made him handsome.

And the principal introduced us to him. Girls were murmuring as usual which is so damn annoying. The guy went to sit at my side close to me... Why would sit beside me...??? Maybe it's the only available chair left. He is indeed so handsome. I think he's   not the type who talks easy so maybe I  should give him some time. It was free time and I went to the place I usually meet my friends to chitchat.

: Hi girls

Allison: oh red hi

Elena: you came at the right time we were talking about how we are going to do combined magic. I mean our power...exciting...

: Ohh Alright.

Allison: So do you have anything to say?

: Yup i had a new boy in my hall today.

Elena: woah... How does he look like?

I saw him coming out from the university corridor then I quickly show my friends.

: There he is

Allison: Not bad

Elena: Men...!! he is so damn charming and cute.

Allison: Elena hope you are not going to fall for him one day?

Elena: Nope,I have peter to make me blush every day.

We burst into laughter

Allison: Finally girls... Me and Elijah are back together

: Wow impressive.

Allison explained everything to us.

Elena: wow we should be getting ready then.

Allison: Yes that's what I'm about to say

: Yessss!!! So where do we meet?

Allison: Tonight at that forest

:Sure we want to do this in the forest?

Allison: yes. So Elena do you agree?

Elena: yeah sure

Allison: Okay then

We went to our class. After the free time is over on my way going. Unexpectedly, the new boy came to me. Wow...!! What a coincidence and wow just a head taller than me. Impressive!!

Michael: Ahm hey.

: Hi

Michael: I think we were in the same class or let's say... Hall...

: Yup

Michael: Good. Would you mind showing me the library,I'm kidda lost.

: Of course

We start walking Silently then I broke the silence.

: So what's your name

Michael: Michael... Michael Scott

: Nice.

Michael: Yeah and what about you?

: Red Crandella

Michael :Niceeeee...

: Thanks

I show him to the library and left. After the leisure for today. It was already in the evening and I quickly get ready and move to the forest with my friends. Allison was carrying the huge bible already. We sit on the floor.

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