escaping and new home

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A/n hey y'all sorry I haven't been updating this I have been busy and we'll lazy sorry again I hope you understand with some people asking if I can continue a sorry they like

No one pov
Kong was in his cage leaning against the wall with a smile on his face as her holds the little white ape bundle in his arms holding a tiny hand from the little one "hmm Winter shall be your name little one it suits you." He says with a smile and hears the alarm go off and gates above open as he holds the little one close to him and good grip and jumps in the vent spot and goes to the playground

Once he was in the playground he sits down after walking up the rock where Caeser is "hello Rocket, Maurice, and Caeser" he says with a smile holding the baby ape close as it coos grabbing a toy nearby "hello Kong" Caeser signs with a smile as the...

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Once he was in the playground he sits down after walking up the rock where Caeser is "hello Rocket, Maurice, and Caeser" he says with a smile holding the baby ape close as it coos grabbing a toy nearby "hello Kong" Caeser signs with a smile as the other greet Kong "Kong, do you ever think of finding a safe place we can call home that doesn't involve someone spraying us with a hose and giving us food that isn't that much of a meal?" Caeser signs ask Kong "I do someday we will I promise my friend"

Two weeks later

"Let go you stupid monkey!" Dodge shouts at Caeser as he tries to get the taser out of his grip "No!!!" Caeser shouts as all apes stare in shock even Kong because he never heard his best friend say no to human nor talk either as he holds his new son Winter close and they all watch Caeser knock Dodge out "no!!!" He shouts again holding the taser up as all apes even Buck, Winter, and Kong huffs loudly with all apes as they watch Caeser free all apes and once Caeser frees Blizzard he smiles at his best friend "good job my dear friend" Kong says as Winter grips on his back and they all saw Dodge awake and about to tase everyone "I'm gonna tase every one of you-!!!!" Before he could finish his sentence Caeser sprays him with the hose electrocuting him killing him as Kong and other apes attack Dodge's partner and put him in a cage and all escape through the playground top windows as Kong holds Winter safe not to hurt him through the glass once he broke out the glass and he lets Winter stay gripping on his back as he and all apes run to the bridge as he stays on the train/bus with Caeser, Buck, Rocket and, Maurice as Winter peeks out

"Let go you stupid monkey!" Dodge shouts at Caeser as he tries to get the taser out of his grip "No!!!" Caeser shouts as all apes stare in shock even Kong because he never heard his best friend say no to human nor talk either as he holds his new s...

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But before they were on the bus Kong was happy to see his best friend giving some female a kiss because Caeser have been telling him that he was in love with a female ape name Cornelia which made him chuckle anyway when they were on the bridge they had to attack the humans back but Kong stood away from getting shot at while holding Winter in a protective grip but heard shooting noises. He looks over his shoulder and sees Buck attacking a helicopter, saving Caesar before dying in Caesar's arms. After a while his eyes widen after seeing Koba push the helicopter with a alive person in it off the bridge but he jus shrugs it off and follows the rest of the apes to the forest "daddy why they attack us?" Winter signed "selfish reasons..." Kong answers sighing and making it to the forest and let's Caeser says his goodbye to Will who he also said goodbye to as all apes even himself climb up trees and look at the view of their new home "I told you we'll find a home" Kong says chuckling as Caeser chuckles with him as all apes gather around to build a fortress as he sits down watching over Winter who was playing around with him.

rise of the planet of the apes (1,2, and 3) (x male gorilla OC)Where stories live. Discover now