Blood for blood: Scorpion

Comenzar desde el principio

(Scorpion fights Johnny Cage. Both fighters show skills in their different fighting styles, and Johnny is more experienced now, but Scorpion is still the superior fighter since Johnny's powers haven't activated)

Scorpion: Only Quan Chi's death will abate my anger

(Scorpion walks towards the container)

(Echo tries to run towards Scorpion, but the ninjas keep blocking him)

(Jax runs at Scorpion, but he ducks under Jax's punch)

(Scorpion knees Jax in the side and kicks him into a crowd of ninjas that keep him occupied)

Kenshi: Hanzo, no! You've earned great trust for the Shirai Ryu. Do not squander it murdering a withered sorcerer!

Scorpion: That withered sorcerer is the architect of my suffering!

(Five years ago, Lin Kuei temple)

Sub Zero: Master Hasashi. I am grateful that you have come

(Sub Zero bows)

Scorpion: Speak your mind. I do not wish to linger here

(Sub Zero gestures towards a table, and sits down with a pot of tea)

Sub Zero: You reestablish the Shirai Ryu as I reform the Lin Kuei. We both seek to shed our clan's dark pasts. Dedicate them to earth realm's protection. Our common purpose gives us a chance to end old rivalries. To start anew

Scorpion: You'll confess what you have long denied? That your clan's hands are soaked in Shirai Ryu blood? In the blood of my family?

Sub Zero: Our honor is indeed stained. Please. Sit.

(Scorpion sits down with Sub Zero as they both enjoy some tea)

Sub Zero: After you and I were freed from Quan Chi's control, I sought out my clan. I had hoped rebellion from within would have quashed the grandmaster's plans. But Sektor had realized his father's vision. The Lin Kuei had been fully cyberized. Except Smoke is a revenant, and Echo escaped. I pledged to kill Sektor and his followers. Reform the Lin Kuei and restore our honor

Scorpion: I am not interested in Lin Kuei politics, Sub Zero

Sub Zero: When I finally killed Sektor, I discovered that the Lin Kuei had not sacrificed it's honor with the cyber initiative. We had abandoned it long before

(Sub Zero and Scorpion hear rapid footsteps approaching)

Echo: Sub Zero! We've got a situation-

(Echo is frozen by Frost)

Frost: There will be no peace, Scorpion!

Scorpion: Frost! The Lin Kuei are still without honor!

(Frost tries to punch Scorpion twice)

(Scorpion blocks twice, punches Frost, then kicks her)

Sub Zero: Master Hasashi, wait!

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