~Welcome To Dreamland~Intro

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It's been 5 years travelling at the speed of light. It seems like only yesterday, Nightmare's monster army attacked Earth and made it a shell of its former glory. You were one of the only survivors from your small town that made to the escape pods in time. There were a couple others but you couldn't quite remember their faces.

When the first monster showed up it was quickly disposed of by the army, but more and more kept attacking and more and more people died. It didn't take long for the monsters to overpower the humans with their magical powers and fierce strength, so the higher ups created a plan to spare what was left of the human race with the I.H.R.P (Intergalactic Human Restoration Program) The plan consisted of creating pods for humans to get into and fly off into space with the hope of landing on another planet to thrive on. Only a few hundred could be constructed with the dwindling resources on the now destroyed planet, so select few countries could actually get them. It was gruesome and unfair, but when was anything fair in the apocalypse? You were incredibly lucky to have received a map from an injured civilian to the launch site. The map was dirty and stained, but readable. You tried to help them but it was all in vain.

"Take this and go! I know I can't make it there in time for launch with a broken leg, so please go and don't look back"

"No! I can't leave you here! The monsters will kill you! Come on we can go together!"

You tried to lift the rubble but to no avail. You were too weak and the debris was too heavy.

"Stop, stop! If you stay for me you won't make it in time! They leave in less than an hour, run! Don't worry about me. You can do it kid"

Tears flowed down your face as you turned your back on your saviour and started running towards the launch site. You quickly stole a glance and saw a horrid red wolf monster spitting fire all around the area, you sped up and ran as fast as you could. In what seemed like a matter of minutes you arrived at the launch site and saw one last escape pod. You ran over and dove inside. Only a few seconds later the door closed shut and the pods rocketed up into the sky. The earth looked so bare and dead from up there, and your once beautiful home was now a war-torn wasteland.

A singular pod could only fit a one human inside.  But it was like a mini home! You had a bed, a tiny kitchen with a large ration of food, clean clothes in all different sizes, books and instruments for entertainment, it even had plugs for electronics! Everything in a modern wealthy home was there for your comfort, But it was lonely...

Your food ration was running low and you were starting to think this program was all for nothing when all of a sudden...


The ships lights started flashing red and your pod started to fly off in a different direction. You fell down on the floor as the flashing red lights and the loud sound was still blaring. You managed to look outside the pods only window and see a blue sky. You had entered a planets atmosphere. You passed clouds and with a sudden crash, you landed on an alien world. You were knocked out from the impact of landing and you honestly thought you were dead...


A bright light entered your pod and you saw a bunch of crazy looking things watching you intensely. You managed to make out a small pink circle, short orange and yellow kids, a large blue..penguin? And an over grown snail. You couldn't keep your eyes open any longer and you drifted into unconsciousness.
You woke up to find yourself in a bed that was very much not your own. You sat up and saw three odd looking armoured figures watching what looked like a television.

"Ah, I see you are awake"

You jumped. The blue ball had noticed you awakening. The other two looked to you as well, you stammered to find words,

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