Part 1

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"Bree! Bree wake up!" My best friend's mom yells.

I slowly roll out of bed, lazily det dressed, sliding down the wall of the stair case, "morning mom." Yes I call her mom.

"Morning Bree. Have you talked to Johnny lately? How's he doing? I'm sorry he couldn't come with us baby girl."

"I know you are but, you only had your room and Rosie's room." Rosie was my best friend but, she joined a bad gang and died a few months later. She got shot in the head four times, stomach twice, legs six, arms ten, and heart once. The doctors believed she was dead but, they continued to shoot.

"I'm happy you understand sweetie. When are you planing on going back to Tulsa?"

"Well, whenever I have the money for Johnny and I to move out of that house. I know I have a job at the DX in Tulsa when I'm done with the DX here in New York."

"Oh that's good sweetie, you should probably get ready for you job anyways, bye sweetie."

"Oh yeah! Thanks." I should probably tell you who I am as I get ready for work. My name is Brianna Marie Cade, Johnny Cade's older sister. I am seventeen years old and I used to be a Greaser girl until my best friend died. When she passed I came up here to live with her mom because, she needed me and I would get away from my parents. So, now I am here and working hard to be able to get back to Tulsa and move out of my parents house with my kid brother Johnny. I've dated most of the guys. I've dated, Two-bit, Sodapop, Darry, and Steve. So everybody but my brother and Pony. I miss the boys like crazy but, I stay here because it's for the best. My first love was Sodapop Curtis. He sure is a looker, but that's not the only reason I fell for him. He's sweet and kind. We were best friends before anything, but we had to break up. I was moving away and I might not see him for years. So many possible could happen when you just don't know.

Okay, now back to the Story considering I'm ready for work now. "Bye mom, love ya. See ya later," I yell as I fly out the door.

She chuckles a little bit but replies, "love ya to sweetie. See ya for dinner."

As I get to the DX I see Anastasia and Coreana already fast at work. "Hey Stassy hey Cece."

"Hey Bree," they yell back.

"What should I work Cece?" I ask Coreana.

"I got gas, Stas got car, you get -"

"Cash register, got it," I say cutting her off.

After working for quit a bit with no business a tuff looking guy comes in, "hey, can I get a Pepsi and uh a chocolate bar."

"Sure thing," I smile.

"Brianna Cade, sounds pretty so it goes along with that pretty face of yours," the guy flirts. "Those dark locks of yours sure goes with your pretty completion sweet heart.

I look up at him blushing a little, "thanks, what's your name?"

"Dallas Winston. I would say you but, I'm afraid I read your name tag already," he talks smoothly as if he's done this a million time before and he probably has.

"Your kind of funny," I chuckle

"Thank you, thank you very much," he smirks using his best Elvis impression.

I can't help but laugh out loud, "why have I never seen you here before?"

"I don't come around this part but, maybe I should. Do you work here everyday?" He asks a small smile tugging at the corner of his lips.

"Yup from 12-8 but, not a Saturdays or Sundays. On Sundays we're closed and every other Saturday I work from 10-1," I inform him hoping he comes around again soon.

"Thank you now, I know when to see you. See ya later Brianna," he smiles as he walks out the DX.

"Bye Dallas," I say as I watch him walk out.

I know there are sparks right now between them. I can feel them erupting in my stomach and he's perfect. I know he is but, I can't fall for him when he's from New York. I'm gonna be leaving New York soon and I'm not sure if he'd come with me. This is all he's ever known. How am I supposed to ask a guy, I just met to leave everything he knows for a girl, he just met? It's unrealistic, even more unrealistic then when I asked Sodapop to come with me. He said no.

"Sodapop, come to New York with me?" I ask him as he walks into my room to check on how I'm doing with packing. He's been doing that for the last month. He's not really checking on my packing, but spending our last days together. As long as my parents don't know he's here it works out perfectly. It's only when they find out that everything goes wrong.

He shakes his head, "I can't Bree, you know I could if I would, but I can't."

"Why?" I whine loudly.

He chuckles, "you know why. There's millions of reasons why starting with money. Even if I wanted to, I couldn't because, my family could never afford that. You know that Bree."

"Sodapop please," I beg the night before I leave. "I'll pay for your ticket and everything."

He sighs as he sits down next to me, "Bree, I would love to come with you. I love you, but this is everything I've ever known my whole life."

"Me too," I argue.

He grabs my hand, "Bree, I want to spend the rest of my life with you and if we're meant to be, it'll happen."

I shake my head as I few tears drip down my cheeks, "not if we're thousands of miles away Sodapop. Please. I'll do anything. I'll even marry you."

"Bree, we're only fifteen," he reminds me.

"I don't care Sodapop. I love you. It's you. It has to be you," I plead desperately.

"We're not breaking up," he smiles at me.

I shake my head as I cry softly, "how? How are we supposed to make this work?"

"We will, my love," he kisses me softly. "I promise."

"I can't do this Sodapop," I sigh. "I'm sorry, but if you're not coming with me then it's over. I'm sorry and I don't wanna do this, but I have to."

He nods his head, "I understand Bree."

He goes to walk out, but I stop him, "will you spend the night with me? It's our last night together."

"Of course," he lays down next to me.

I cuddle up into his side and fall asleep next to him possible for the last time, "goodnight Sodapop Curtis, I love you."

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