Chapter 12

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The convoy again stood in front of Elisha's house.  Jaden knocked politely on the door this time.  Gehazi opened but before anyone could say anything, Elisha pushed past his servant and stood looking at Naaman.  He said, "Why are you not half way back to Damascus by now?"
Naaman answered.
"Now I know that there is no God in all the world except in Israel.  So please accept a gift from your servant." Elisha said,  "As surely as the Lord I serve lives, I will not accept a thing."
Naaman said, "Are you sure?"
"I  am  sure"
Naaman said,  "I cannot force you to accept my gifts but please let me be given as much earth as two of my pack animals can carry.  For  I wish to build an alter so that I and those that live with me may make sacrifices and burnt offerings to the Lord and to no other gods."
Naaman continued, "There is one other thing, may the Lord forgive me when I accompany my king when he enters the temple of Rimmon to worship.  When he bows down, he leans on me and I must bow down too.  Please forgive me.
The prophet answered, "God knows your heart. Go in peace"

After loading the earth, the convoy departed. A short distance from the city, they heard shouting behind them. Someone on a donkey was waving and shouting for them to stop. Naaman's men halted and waited.
Gehazi, who had witnessed the exchange between Naaman and his master, was shocked when Elisha refused to accept any gifts. He had been eyeing the pack horses full of gold and silver, amongst other gifts. He just couldn't let the chance to obtain at least some of this treasure slip through his fingers. His devious mind worked furiously to formulate a plan. It was for this reason that he now chased after Naaman's convoy.

When Gehazi reached the stationery convoy, he said. "Forgive us for causing a delay master, but visiting prophets have just arrived at our house and we have not enough food to feed them. My master requests, if it is not too much trouble, that you allow me to take a small portion of the gifts you carry with me so that I might exchange it for some food."
Naaman, only too glad to finally give something in exchange for his healing, answered, "Of course my good fellow, my men will assist you. Take what you need." Gehazi's plan was working. Looking through the bags he took a talent of silver and some clothes but Naaman instructed his men to give Gehazi double the amount he asked for. He also ordered some of his own servants to go with Gehazi to help him carry. When they came to the house, Gehazi took the bags from the servants and quickly hid the gifts. He went back to the door, thanked the servants and bid them farewell.

Gehazi softly closed the door. He turned round and stood face to face with Elisha, who asked, "Where have you been?"
"Nowhere, master"
"Was not my spirit with you when the man got down from his chariot to meet you "
"I'm sorry, master"
"Is this the time to take money or cloths?"
"I only asked for a little....the man gave me so much"
"You asked, that is your disobedience. It matters not if you asked for a vineyard or olive grove or for a mere sparrow."
"Please master forgive me, I'll not do such a thing again"
"Your greed has determined your punishment."
"No, no, no!" Gehazi moaned.
"Naaman's leprosy will cling to you and your descendants forever."
Elisha pushed Gehazi out the house and closed the door. Gehazi crumpled in a heap. He looked at his skin, full of white blotches. He sat and sobbed in the middle of the street. Some people walked past, with tearful eyes he gazed up and mumbled...."unclean, unclean."

Naaman stood side by side with Gisse. They were looking at the newly constructed alter, made of earth. Naaman asked, "When is the next Jewish festival?"
"In two days time." Answered Gisse
"Good, we have two days to seek a lamb without blemish."

Eadith came alongside Naaman and hooked her arm through his. She inquired, "What are you doing?"
Naaman answered, "We were inspecting our new alter. It is ready."
Eadith acknowledged his reply, nodding her head slightly, then continued, "Have you told Gisse the news?"
Naaman smiled and turned to Gisse. "We have decided to release you. You are a slave no longer!" Gisse stood agasp. Her eyes big as saucers.
Eadith quickly interrupted,  "But you don't have to go." She jabbed Naaman in the side, inclining her head towards Gisse. Again Naaman smiled and turning to Gisse said, "We would love you to stay on as nursemaid to Naaboth. You will be paid accordingly. You can remain living with us or if you like, you can seek your own accommodation."
Eadith again, had something to say. With a mischievous smile she whispered to Gisse, "My husband has been so loving since he came back, I think Naaboth will have a baby brother or sister soon. More for you to look after."
They all laughed.

Gisse took a moment to take everything in that had been said. How God had managed her life.

At last she replied. "I am very happy here. I would love to stay on and look after Naaboth. I have just one request."
Naaman and Eadith answered as one,
"What is it?"
Gisse said, "I would like to go and visit my mother and father. I want them to know I'm doing well. Most importantly, I want to know if I have a brother or sister!"

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