Chapter 7

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The old hostler and Jaden left Naaman's chariot in a side street near a public square where the auction was to be held. The auction had started by the time the squad of soldiers arrived but only a few very young boys had so far been presented and sold. The soldiers spread out on the perimeter of the crowd. They had been prepped on the way into the city as to their role in this drama.
Naaman stood to one side, concealed by an overhanging awning and the shadow it cast.
Jaden stood right in front of the crowd, looking up to the platform, ready for action.
The hostler waited at the side of the platform, just next to the access steps. Everything was ready and in place.

The slave master was assisted by his clerk who received the money or made arrangements for payment....depending on how trustworthy the successful bidder was. He also had an assistant, an Egyptian youth in his teens. His job was to shackle and unshackle the slaves and remove their tunics. The slaves were displayed naked to the prospective buyers.

When Gisse was brought up on the platform, the soldiers, cued by Naaman, gave their first 'performance'. The leader shouted out orders ( basically just gibberish) as the soldiers knew what to do. They all came to attention. Stomping their feet. Took one step forward and stomped their feet again. This time accompanied by banging on their shields with their swords.

The desired effect was successfully achieved. The people on the outskirts of the crowd, and thus nearest the soldiers, were nearly overcome with fright. They ducked, holding their arms over their heads, and charged into the people in front of them, in an attempt to escape whatever brutality was about to happen. Even after the soldiers did nothing further except stand perfectly still like statues, the crowd could not give the auction their full attention. Their heads constantly looking behind them with worried, anxious faces.

Naaman had warned his squad that on no account must they indulge in any physical contact. If perhaps the king asked him why the soldiers were at the auction, he would say that it was part of their training in crowd management, a phrase that the old hostler had coined when laying out his plan.

The Egyptian youth bullied Gisse up the steps and positioned her in the centre of the platform, near the front for all to see. He smiled as he began to untie her rope girdle in preparation for taking off her sackcloth tunic. He really enjoyed this part of his job. Gisse softly offered up a prayer to her Almighty God.
If it was God's answer or her own indignation and humiliation that took control, Gisse couldn't tell. She took one step back, to get some distance between her and the youth, then with all her might, kicked him between the legs. The assistant released a howl that would have made any wolf proud. Stumbling backwards he fell off the platform, right at Jaden's feet. He lay there moaning and writhing in pain.

The slave master, taken by surprise, stood staring at the little slave girl, this had never happened before. His fury soon overcame his astonishment and striding towards Gisse, was about to show her what happens to slaves who make fools of their masters. The loud noise erupting from the crowd slowed his advance and looking across the sea of faces, and expecting to see some very irate bidders, he was met by people laughing and cheering and even more surprisingly....bidding! He hadn't even officially started the bidding yet. This was good, this was very good. Shrewd business man that he was, he immediately took advantage of the situation and started to accept the offers given him.

The Egyptian assistant, slowly recovering from his ordeal, started to rise. Jaden looked around....good, nobody was looking his way. He planted his heavy army boot right in the youth's stomach. With a loud...ooph! The youth sank back into the fetal position, not knowing whether to hold his stomach or his still aching private parts.

Naaman cursed under his breath. This was a setback. He had hoped to stem the bidding, instead now, it was in full swing. He signalled the squad leader. The soldiers, again, brought bidding to a standstill with their "crowd management" routine. This was the cue the old hostler was waiting for. He sidled up to the slave master and confided in his ear. "If I was a smart business man I would cut my losses on this rather disobedient slave girl and accept the bid made by the Captain of the squad over there. He pointed towards Naaman, who stepped out of the shadows just long enough to indicate his bid. He stepped back into the shadows but not before giving the signal for another army performance. The slave master was furious. "Why don't they just go away!" He moaned. The old hostler, like a bad conscience, spoke again in the slave master's ear. "Think for a moment my friend, if you accept the Captain's bid, he will be satisfied and having achieved what he came for, he will leave. But not only himself, he will take his soldiers with him. You and your buyers will be left in peace. With their full attention on the auction, will not the bidding be of such a nature to make up for any loss occurred on this one sale?"
The slave master looked curiously at the hostler, "Who are you anyway?"
The hostler replied, "My name is not important. Needless to say, however, some very important people have used my services as a business strategist."
The slave master, scheming in his head, replied, "We should get together. Perhaps at the ale house after the auction?"
"It would be my pleasure!" The hostler replied.

The slave master turned to the crowd and shouted. "While you quivering lot of jelly brained babes have been enthralled by the precision of our army, I have concluded the sale of this girl slave. Nodding to Naaman, he continued. "Here is the next offering."
The crowd started to voice their objection when the assistant, who had now recovered except for a slight limp, brought the next captive to the platform. The young girl now presented to the people was in her teens and her body was already showing evidence of approaching womanhood. When her tunic was yanked off, all thought of the previous little slave girl was forgotten.

Meanwhile Jaden and the old hostler had grabbed Gisse and hurriedly escorted her to Naaman's chariot. Naaman was already waiting for them.
He was beaming when he said. "Well done gentlemen. I must admit I didn't think we would pull it off. Thanks to both of you."
Turning to Gisse he smiled, "And thanks to you young lady. That was quite the performance you gave us."
Speaking again to the men, he said, "I will take the chariot to my house. Jaden would you please take my horse back to the base. My old friend...or should I say will you get back? The old man answered. "Sir, General sir. If it pleases you, I would like to spend the evening in town. I have some business with the slave master at the ale house. Jaden can fetch me in the morning. You will find me in the house where there are no doves sitting on the roof. My snoring, especially after a fair amount of ale, has the tendency to frighten all the birds away."

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