Chapter 1

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Mara's POV

My morning started with the loud noise of my door swinging open, as an excited 17-year-old boy rushed in. His frantic yelling could be heard in my dreams.

"Mara, Mars, Mar-mar wake up!" He continued to yell while relentlessly shaking my bed. He hasn't been this excited since we were twelve on our way to Disney Land. The sun had not even peeped out the sky, and my alarm has yet to ring. Half-awake, I groggily asked him what the emergency was. To which there was none. I laid back down, reaching for the comforter but it was yanked out of my hands.

"C'mon, we should get there before any of the other students. It's like the whole point of getting into the Student Council!"

Groaning, I caved in and sat up on my bed. I stretched my back and limbs until I could hear a satisfying crack. After rubbing my eyes open, I gave him a pointed look.

"Massik, you and I both know that that's not the only responsibility we have."

My voice was hoarse and dry, and I needed a glass of water. The bed was seductively calling my name, either I was still dreaming or I'm very tired. To my conclusion, I was hallucinating. I was a few hours short on sleep to be able to function as a human being. Though, I am already past the point of a second-chance nap.

"As your treasurer, I must remind you that time is money. And ma'am, you are wasting my money!"

Laughing at his nonsense, I checked the time. It was definitely earlier than we agreed on. He was always the dramatic type. Why he was so excited for the first day of school, I'll never understand. But, it probably has something to do with it being our last first day in high school. I hate to admit it, but he did have a point. As Student Council members it would be wise to arrive at school early to greet teachers and students on their first day of the school year.

While he was grumbling at my lack of energy, I noticed that he had already changed into his uniform. He even styled his black hair to make sure it didn't look "greasy" like last time. I let out a small laugh recalling his embarrassing and traumatizing experience.

Ignoring the boy in front of me, I made my way to the bathroom for a freezing shower. The cold water helped fight the remaining drowsiness. Walking out the bathroom, Massik had left and in his place was my uniform. It was neatly pressed and still a little warm. Despite his occasional annoying tendencies, Massik could be a real sweet heart. The girls at school think so too, even going as far as giving him the nickname "Boy scout".

Even I think it was a bit of a stretch, but I guess it comes with the popularity. At one point I overheard the girls from his fan base curse him for being "so hot and respectful". It honestly never occurred to me he was he was any form of attractive since we were raised joint to the hip. As cousins we grew up and did everything together. Where I go, Massik would not be far. Our family unanimously decided we would attend the same school and live in the same house. We didn't complain. This did, however, lead to the misunderstanding that we were twins since we had the same family name, Young.

After changing into my uniform, I pat down my skirt and did one final check to make sure everything was proper. It felt like clockwork, trusting instinctively on muscle memory. After straightening my tie for the fifth time, I was satisfied. It was important that I execute proper dress code in school since it is a part of my responsibilities. No matter how much I think it was pointless.

Making my way downstairs, the smell of fresh pancakes and bacon was in the air. Moments like these remind me why I love Massik sometimes. Fueled by growling stomach, I quickly paced to the kitchen. There I found my cousin cooking happily. Taking my seat, I eagerly waited for the pancakes and the bacon, especially the bacon. It was rare to see him cook, but this was probably his way of apologizing for waking me so early in the morning.

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