Tittle: I dared to call him husband 1

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"I want you not okay,I don't like it that you came into my life without my approval,I only agreed to this charade to please my grandma and earn her trust,you also agreed for a reason right.....?
"Yes money, isn't it?,you've got what you want and I've got what I wanted,so we both don't need each other anymore, it is best you stay in your lane and I stay in mine,you don't expect anything from me I don't from you,we should try to keep my grandma happy for the remaining days of her life and that's it" my supposed or should I say "husband" said with a stern tone like he was giving warnings to a child,well am so pleased you know,what other best way could a husband use to welcome his wife on her first day in his room. I am highly honored I wanted to say but I couldn't.
I was scared of this stranger before me and the facial expression he was showing off as he said those words were terrifying,he look disgusted and way more than unhappy.

"Come on wife... I have to make you feel at home,you know,this from now hence forth will no longer be my room but "our room"he said stressing the words wife and room as he held me tightly by the hand and tow me with him.
I felt pain and heat run through my body but I didn't protest instead I let him lead me like a sheep being dragged to be slaughtered .

He took me round the room showing me every part of it,the large walk in closet was filled with branded male clothing's from armani to Versace etc all arranged in perfect order. Branded shoes, suits and shirts of different kind colours were placed perfectly according to their colours,this is the largest amount of I've ever seen owned by a man. Properly a hundred plus shoes,suits and clothe and I thought women were the only ones that worry about having so many clothes.
The bathroom was exotic, it has a large bath tub with so many bathing salts, it was definitely twice the size of my room back home,I couldn't stop gasping at the beautiful things I have been seeing in this house.

"This is it" he said finally letting go of my arm when we were back in the main room. I know my pale skin will have reddened where his hand had held tightly to my wrist.

He stared down at me for a while his eyes going up and down my body causing me to cringe,I wanted to hide at a corner that moment a place void of his darkened eyes,all the while my head hang low I couldn't bring myself to witness that kind of emotion shown towards me. I was weak at heart such things will only cause me more pain more than the one I was already harbouring. A knock came at the door which was thankful for,for it distraction because one more minute under his eyes would have opened my flood gate which I've been trying hard to keep shut since from the dawn of today.

"Yes" he responded with a pissed off tone.

Two maid walked in with my bags and leaned them against the wall then left after a bow.

He shifted his gaze from me to my bags and then back to me. Even with my head hanging low I could feel his piercing gaze boring a hole in the middle of my head as he towered over me.

He shifted his weight and walked out the door brushing his himself against my shoulder,that simple act caused my uneasy and unbalanced form to land on the floor.

I tightened my lips and opened my eyes wide in an attempt to push back the threatening tears.
I rose to feet after tripping a couple of times over my dress.
I heaved a sigh of relieve and walked towards my boxes,my wedding gown mopping the floor.
I pulled them into the closet and searched for an empty place for my things but there was none.
Deciding to take a tour around since I only took a peek few minutes ago. Pulling off my veil I walked around each cabinet staring at it content through the glass openings. At the middle was a large show class filled with shoes I would have died to have if I was a man. He had the largest collection of ties I've ever seen,he must be the envy of so many men.

I walked back to my bags and opened one searching through it. I picked out my polka dot long sleeve pajamas and towel. I offed my gown and tied the towel around my chest,gathering the gown in my hands I searched for a space were I could keep it,my eyes caught some bags in one of the closet so I proceeded to pick a large enough one and stuffed my gown into it then placed the bag beside my bags.

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