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I've come to a realization I'm sad.
These tears I shed seem to happen more frequent with every passing day.
I've come to the realization I'm unwanted.
The only friend I've had no longer seems to want me in her life.
I've come to the realization I'm unforgiving.
With every wrong thing done to me, I seem to drift further away from being able to forgive.
I've come to the realization I'm lonely.
Though I have many friendly faces I see, I feel as if it's the entire world V.S. only me.
I've come to the realization-
As though it feels like it's just me, I know it's not. The world keeps on turning and though sometimes it's tiring and I feel like I can't go on, I just need a small break. The world will always be there to conquer another day. The tears and heartbreak won't always persevere and it'll be ME on top to persevere. But until then, I must let my heart mourn for all the things I've lost. I must cocoon into myself to love myself and grow from the inside out, which then I can break out and become what I've always been destined to be. Just simply by me loving, forgiving, and wanting me.

Realization Where stories live. Discover now