{Chapter 58|Traits}

Start from the beginning

Tom flinched. You look down to see blackish-purple stains on his skin. The transformation is still going.

"It's going to be alright. I'm right here. The pain's going to stop soon."

You noticed that it was getting harder to breathe. Tom was changing the atmosphere around him, it felt like you were breathing in the air of a toxic apocalypse.

But you weren't gonna let go. If you were gonna pass out, you're gonna pass out securing Tom wrapped around your arms.


Everything was dark. There was no solid ground to stand on, you were basically floating in this abyss. You felt compelled to say something, but you couldn't speak. Not a single word you wanted to say would come out.

All of a sudden, a bright light projected from underneath you, sucking you into a rainy day.

You were standing near a lamppost, watching 5 familiar figures walking in raincoats. They look like they ranged from 6 to 8 years old. You knew this place like the back of your hand. You watch the 5 children walk into the all-so familiar front yard. They didn't seem to notice your presence at all.

Not knowing what else to do, you followed them inside.

"Mama, papa! We're home!" The child in blue announced, which was probably a younger Tom.

"Kids! Welcome back! No one slipped in the rain, right?" Pauline appears from the kitchen, helping Edd, Ell, and Matt to take off their raincoats and boots.

"Of course! Not under my watch!" Tord exclaims proudly which Pauline giggles at.

"Your clothes are already on your beds, make sure to change into them then dry off in the living room. The heater will be on so you won't get cold. Make sure to do your homework. I'm going to be making bangers and mash today!"

The children cheered, quickly making their way upstairs to change.

You find yourself unconsciously smiling. This was way before your arrival in the neighborhood. None of them were asking if they can come over to your house or if you were coming over to play today.

You look around in the house. Nothing's changed.

In a few minutes, the 5 children all came running down, some had their Gameboy and some brought books and notebooks. The aroma of fried chicken sausages filled the entire living room.

Oliver arrived not too soon after dinner was announced, and the family gathered in the dining table. The children shared stories of how their day was that day and some asked for help for the homework that was assigned.

"Before going to bed tonight, daddy wants to show you kids something. So make sure that after brushing your teeth, you come down in the living room okay?"

"What is that something, daddy?" Ell asks, tilting her head in a cute way.

"Hm, well, you see, you all have special blood within you. It sometimes bad to be special, so tonight, I'm going to take that blood out of you."

"What if we die?! Don't we need blood to live?" Tord asks.

"Of course you need to have blood! Daddy won't be taking all of the blood from you, just the special ones. Tom has blood that is able to transform him into a monster, and his ability is the most active out of all of you. Tord, Ell, and Edd still haven't had theirs manifested, but for Matt, it had been active since he was born."

The children all looked confused, except for Tom, who had his head down.

"I see that you're wondering what I'm talking about. See, Matt is releasing this invisible chemical around him that makes people seem attracted to him. He has no control over this and only ever works on clueless people. But naturally liking him is a very different thing. Tord is said to have great senses towards metal. This contributes to his liking toward robots and Edd and Ell's 5 senses are heightened to max. These might sound cool when I say it, but your special traits could be proven to be dangerous. Not just in the way Tom's trait can be."

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