Hospital : Prologue

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Bobbette loved attention.

Yes, she loved people praising her, people who stared at her and people who loved her.

Softening her glistening eyes, she flashed a small, rectangular smile at them, waving. People awed at the sight. She should probably be at the rooftop right now, the gathering place for her and her friends after eating at the cafeteria. But now it seems like she's running a bit late. Entertaining people and friends was a must for her.

Walking down the hallway, her heels clicking at every step she took as people made way for her, she found a vending machine near the staircase. She bought 6 drinks, opening one immediately. Hard enough to balance, but Bobbette held them tight in her arms.

She took a sip before showing one last smile and made her way upstairs. She was about to open the door leading to the rooftop when her phone rang. Trying to pick up her phone with 6 drinks in hand, she answered immediately and placed it between her shoulder and ear.


"Betty? Are you at the rooftop right now? I couldn't come since I have a project to do that is due later. Just have to say Lawrence and Andrea will be with me too," Rocket said, tiredness audible in his voice.

"Too bad, I understand though. Good luck on your project!" Bobbette said gleefully, hoping Rocket would cheer up. "Let's just hang out tomorrow then! Fridays are sleepover days, right?"

"Sure," Rocket was about to say something when somebody yelled at him. "Sorry, have to go. Andrea is throwing a tantrum right now."

"Ok, see ya!" Bobbette hung up. A frown can be seen on the girl's face, but nevertheless, she forced a smile as she opened the door, only to be dropped a second later.

All her drinks escaped in her arms, making noises as they tumbled down the stairs. The drink she opened a while ago spilled everywhere, as her trembling hand made their way to her mouth. Tears formed in her eyes as she continued to stare in disbelief, not knowing what to say or do.

Corentin and Victoria were kissing.

Her Boyfriend and Best friend were kissing.

The two people she trusted, the two people she cherished unconditionally were cheating behind her back. She trusted them her whole life, but what's happening right now?

"What..." Her voice trembled, a voice that's barely above a whisper. A voice that's too soft to be heard properly. A voice that broke the kissing of the two.

The two of them turned to the direction of the voice. One was shocked momentarily and one was smirking a victory. It's funny how her name was exactly the same with that little smirk. But Bobbette could careless about that right now. She wants to know why, how and when did they started doing this to her, but her cold lips won't move after saying that single word. It's as if time had stopped and she's all alone.

"Look, I can expla-" Before Corentin could even finish what he was saying, Bobbette ran away. With everything a blur to her, she tripped down the stairs, also helped by the drink she spilled. She felt tears ran down her eyes as she fell, not caring about the pain in her body right now.

Before she could even continue her crying, everything went black.

- xo - xo - xo - xo - xo - xo - xo - xo - xo -

Opening her eyes, a bright light instantly attacked her. She let her eyes adjust first, before taking a good look at her surroundings. Although she doesn't need to, mainly because she knew this place very well.

She shot her eyes towards a boy beside her. She immediately recognized him.

The boyfriend who cheated on her.

She felt tears visit her eyes again, but she have to hold it in.

"Betty, you're awake," a look of pity can be seen on the young man's face as he helped the girl sit up.

"Why... W-why did you do that. Am I not enough?" This time, she let her tears flow down freely.

"No, you're more than enough. It's just... I-I don't love you... I... I love Victoria... I'm sorry," He said hesitantly, obviously flustered with the girl's question.

"Then what should I do to make you love me too?" Bobbette begged, the tears were now uncontrollable. She placed both her hands on her chest, probably having a hard time breathing with all the crying. "Why did you even asked me out if you don't love me?"

"Betty, calm down first. Breath." Bobbette did as instructed.

"Betty, don't get me wrong. I did love you after sometime but..." Corentin paused, not knowing how to say it to her.

"After sometime?" Bobbette asked, now calmed down but still won't stop crying.

"Look, it was all just a bet," Corentine sighed, guilt plastered on his face.

"W-what?" Bobbette wants to go on the floor and beg but she knows it won't do anything except to tarnish her pride. It's too late now, everything is a mess.

"I have to go now. Until we meet again," Corentin said hurriedly and left, leaving Bobbette in tears, staring at the door where he left, fantasizing what she could've done.

That went on for a few minutes until she finally realized something.

Why did her very best friend betrayed her too? She could've forgiven Corentin but not Victoria. She told her everything about her, she always supported her and she was the best friend anyone would ask for. So why?

At that very moment, Bobbette felt an emotion she haven't felt for years : Rage

Done with crying and sulking for someone who wouldn't genuinely love her back, she stood up and left the room. Just as she was about to walk away from the room, a familiar voice caught her attention. She immediately searched for that voice.

And her eyes widened.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2020 ⏰

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