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If there was one word to describe Crowley, it would be stubborn. Stubborn as an ox and everyone knew. There wasn't a chance in hell that Aziraphale liked him back so, in Crowley's humble opinion, there was really no reason his secrets shouldn't stay secret. 

The day Crowley and Aziraphale met was the day Crowley found that demons, such as himself, could have feelings other than hate. He didn't really know how to describe it until Aziraphale himself decided to refer to their friendship as 'The Star-crossed elementals' (referencing the Shakespeare play they had seen together just that week). Now, Crowley didn't know if Aziraphale felt the same way or was just completely oblivious to Crowley's obvious flirting. The way things usually ended up it was most likely a mixture of the two.

 Aziraphale on the other hand, didn't like Crowley from the start. He believed him to be 'An arrogant, good for nothing demon that I refuse to have anything to do with.' As we know, Aziraphale has never been the perfect angel; giving away your flaming sword because it looked cold is hardly a thing respected in heaven. Time went on and he decided that Crowley wasn't so dastardly after all. It went from a mutual acknowledgement to getting excited and straightening his tie every time the shop bell went just in case Crowley decided to surprise him.

Of course any outsider could see that they were both completely smitten with the other but with Crowley being too stubborn to say something and Aziraphale refusing to admit his feelings in the first place, it's safe to say it was a complete train wreck.

Through the decades, their friendship only grew stronger resulting in little favours that were or weren't flirting depending on who you ask.

"Angel, you haven't seen my glasses anywhere have you?"

"No I haven't and I keep telling you, you ought to get a chain for them like mine so you don't lose them." Azriaphale shouted in reply. "Aha! Here they are don't fret." He handed them over to Crowley who promptly rushed out the door yelling something about being late as he left. 

In reality, Crowley interpreted it as him making a move and didn't want to be seen losing his cool. Aziraphale thought he was just doing a quick favour seeing as he was the one who sat on Crowley's glasses earlier that morning and thought it best to replace them. This was the start of many misinterpretations that drove all who knew the pair mad.

On the advice of Anathema, Crowley planned a lunch at the Ritz where he was to confess his feelings. Anathema suggested such an idea because she couldn't take the obvious/oblivious circle of flirting for much longer. Crowley spent an age picking out his most flattering shades of black for the meal and didn't even scare his plants that day simply because he was so nervous. Nerves brought him to the Ritz 10 minutes before the agreed time so he spent that extra time pacing and planning what he would say.

Azriaphale arrived perfectly on time and they enjoyed a lovely meal together although Crowley barely noticed what he was eating. He felt he needed regain at least some control 'for Satan's sake you're not proposing, get a grip' he told himself. He waited until Aziraphale had put down his knife and fork. Crowley usually sat sprawled all over the place, with no regard for the proper conduct. Today he was sat bolt upright and had completely lost his cool demeanour.

"Angel, I apologise if this is too forward for your liking but I've beaten round the bush long enough. I needed to confess... you know what never mind. Dessert?"

Aziraphale brushed off Crowley's offer of dessert and gestured for him to continue. Crowley could see Azirapahale was interested and decided 'fuck it, what do I have to lose?' He leaned over the table. Pulling Aziraphale towards him by the necktie and kissed him. It took Aziraphale by complete surprise as he still hadn't gotten to the bottom of his feelings. They came up for air and immediately refused to make eye contact.

"Crowley, I'd like to do this again sometime." He said, breaking the silence. Surely he must know he's flirting this time and Crowley dared to look up. He was rewarded with a knowing smile and another kiss that came after waiting for far too long.

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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: Sep 04, 2022 ⏰

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