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Credit to the transcript writers-


The episode used in this is linked

Virgil's POV


"..i know that face..my child is returning.." and suddenly i was in Thomas' living room. 

Logan and Roman's arguing is just too much. "Virgil's here! It's not a party... until I have anxiety." Thomas said, sighing

 "Thomas, you have got to do something about this!" "Do something about what?" He said as silence rose, well, silence between us two. 

Logan and Roman were still arguing. "...Are you kidding?" "...But... this is what they always do. You know that. I mean, I thought they had it a little figured out a bit ago... They had that one debate that ended pretty well, and heck they sang a song together!" He said, sounding kind of hurt by my words.

 "Yeah, I'm just gonna go out on a limb and say maybe - MAYBE - there's still some things to work out." I said, in my usual sulky tone.

 "Right! Like confronting his feelings, which is what I was saying! Thank you, you shadowy, but angelic songbird!" Patton blurted out, to which i retorted with "You got it, Pop Star." Patton gasped, pretty loudly, saying "You gave me a dad-themed nickname!" 

"Guys I don't know what you're talking about, this is pretty par for the course. Sure, it's not ideal. But I don't know if it's  a  big deal either." 

"Oh! And another thing- Oh, when did Virgil get here?" Roman said, turning to my part of the room. "Yeah, definitely not ideal." I said, already regretting my appearance in this video. 

 "I don't know, Thomas. Your heart AND your anxiety are telling ya the same thing here." "What, have you two formed some kind of team?" Logan said, sounding weirded out. "Only the bestest mostest dynamicist duoist-- duo-- in the entire Thomasphere!" Patton half-yelled happily "Got that right." I said smugly we then did the stretchy-arm-thing, as Thomas calls it, and high-fived, which in turn made Thomas gag. "Guys! You gotta stop the stretchy-arm thing that's been happening lately. It's gross. Like, it's really gross."

"Ahem, -finger snap- okay, listen up you two because I'm getting real tired of this. Roman- You get super insecure for some reason and, when that happens, the work suffers." Roman scoffed defensively "Whaat" 

 "And Logan, you get upset anytime anyone throws a wrench into the system, or really any time things aren't working perfectly, so, you start acting like a jerk and making everyone feel stupid." 

"I'm not insecure!"

"Well, someone has to bring you all into line."

"Uh, bring ME into line?"

"I'm the one who ensures that order is maintained!"

"Without me, you'd have nothing to maintain in the first place!"

Then, both at the same time-- "I'm the most important side here!"

"Uh, so.. was there a point to that Virge? Or...?" Thomas said, quietly "Yeah, that this isn't normal. Look I'm not choosing sides here-" "Sanders Sides!" "...." "...." "..All I'm saying is that you both suck at what you do and I'm tired of having to keep lighting fires under your butts."

"You what!?" 

"I am not about to stand here-"

"Look, it's no offense, it's just how I see it."

"-and be criticized by the dude who's always causing trouble."

"Do you have even the faintest idea how dangerous that is? I never even felt any heat!" 

"I-I will roll with your fire idiom, alright?"

"I'm being upfront, I'm shooting straight, even though I'm gay."

"Fire can be a bad thing!"

"You're lucky that your acts of arson have seemingly settled themselves in the past-" Logan was then cut off by Roman 

"I mean-"

"See? Totally normal."

"-just watch The Jungle Book."

"-or you could have seriously hurt someone."

"Do you guys think it's easy to stay calm with you two arguing all the time??" 

"Okay, okay! Calm Down Time!" Patton passed a colouring book to Roman "..oooh.." "I think we all need a little bit of... Not Talking Time!" He said as he passed me a fidget cube.

 ".Alright... -tosses a Rubicks cube to Logan- Here ya go, Logan." "Wow. -laughs- I mean, if only I could be settled that easil-" Patton then turned on the tv, distracting Thomas. "Ooh." 

"I like the one with the buttons - wait, no! We do this too much!" I exclaimed "Yeah, I really should start watching a different show." "Yeah"-turns off the tv-

 "No, I mean, yes, you should but I'm talking about this! This is part of the problem. We keep having this same problem, but instead of facing it and fixing it, we just... find a distraction."


So im not doing the whole trans-script in one chapter because it took so long already, and i dunno if anyone likes it.

Have a good one, guys, gals, and non-binary pals peace out



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