IV. The Sound Of Silence (Tanya×Yangcha)

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[Here's Tanya and Yangcha being casual with each other since we prolly will never have something like this in the future. Also, before we start, I would like to tell you that there is this one particular dialogue in this story that was inspired from a scene in Season 2, Episode 15 of The Vampire Diaries. If you happen to have watched this series, you will know which one exactly in a heartbeat. Do let me know behe. That's my favorite line in TVD, by the way hehehe. Ok continue on...]


For the nth time tonight, the masked warrior has yet again swallowed down another growing lump on his throat. He was accustomed to silence, sure. In fact, he was serving it as a punishment for almost all of his life. But silence is different when you are in a company of someone who can literally hear your thoughts. Him sitting down at a respectful distance beside the High Priestess who's lying flat on her back against the grassy surface was even more torturous and daunting than when he first perceived her unhuman-like ability and the consequences it fills in his whole being.

Earlier tonight, Tanya was supposed to review a lesson that was sent by Lord Saya on a scroll. However, she had claimed that she was feeling suffocated and stuffy, she decided to march out of the shrine in her white and gold cloak and started wandering off the Wailing Forest. Yangcha, being the watchful man on guard that he claimed to be, followed her out albeit he had no idea where she was heading.

As they were venturing in the long, dark stretch, Tanya spotted a detour and had decided to take it— passing through a narrow and uneven surface with Yangcha taking the liberty to lead the way whilst cutting down branches of bushes and vines that blocks their path, and the High Priestess walking closely behind him, her fists clutching her skirt. The route took them to a meadow where flowers of different kinds and colors bloom all around, where there are masses of fireflies glittering luminescent lights flying about, and where the towering trees did not blanket the starry night sky. To Yangcha, it was nothing but only a mere meadow; but to Tanya, it reminded her of what little paradise they had back in Iark.

Yangcha shot Tanya a quick glance when she shuffled her arms and spread them out.

They have already been here for a bit while now. Quite frankly, this little situation made him somehow uncomfortable in a way. He haven't seen a person of high status lie down in an ungraceful manner in the middle of the woods like this. Not even Tagon whom he used to roam around different plains and woodlands with for about twenty years. When she started to shrink herself down to the ground earlier, Yangcha almost dropped his body with her to prevent her from doing what she did and pick her up to her feet.

Tanya, even with her eyes closed, can feel the warrior's glances at her person.

"Yangcha," she softly called. Yangcha's chains produced a low clink clank around his chest, giving off his flinching at the sudden mention of his name. "You're awfully silent tonight. It's quite disturbing."

The man couldn't help but to turn his head and stare at the relaxed Niruha. He couldn't quite figure whether her statement was meant to offend him or whatnot.

Uhh,— he started, his one brow slowly raising up— Maybe that's because I am supposed to be silent? He said with a hint of mockery through his mind whilst pointing the mask on his face, although the High Priestess couldn't see his movement. Tanya flung her eyes open and stared directly at his.

"Well, I know that. I meant your thoughts, they're unusually quiet."

What do you mean, Niruha?

Tanya used her hands as an anchor as she prop her upper body up to a sitting position and then crossed her legs under the canopy of her skirt. "You know, for someone who is serving the punishment of silence, your thoughts are even louder than of those who can actually speak. Yet tonight, they seem really quiet and... reserved. Your thoughts, I mean."

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